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Inkie | 23:17 Mon 16th Feb 2004 | Technology
5 Answers
I want 2 make my own webpage/site but i want 2 know where the best place to get one is...i havent done this b4 so somewhere which is easy 2 set one up would b great


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. is the best place if you have never made a website before. It's all totaly free and you address will be something like The web page creator is WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) so all you have to be able to do in order to build a site is operate a program which works just like a desk top publishing package such as microsoft publisher. Just see where you go from there. But at some point, learn a bit of html. It will increase your understanding of the subject and make the sites you build, better.
You have asked many questions on here recently Inkie and had a tremendous amount of help but in all your posts there is not one thank you to anyone - only manners after all, there is also a star rating you can give people to tell others how much their answers have helped to help others.
lol, get straight to the point Zipper
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