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quizzes made in excel, answers how to see them

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mollymoo | 16:01 Fri 20th Feb 2004 | Technology
2 Answers
hi does anyone know how you can see the answers to those quizes amde in excel. I have finished one and want to see what the answers are to the ones i cannot get. Thx


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You would need the password to enable you to unprotect the workbook. For instance, the password for the kids tv one you mentioned in your other post is - RUVZZYIRZGVZSGY. If you click on the cell the says "wrong" and look in the formula field at the top of the screen then it will show the correct answer as part of the formula.
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hi how did you know that that was the password. is there a way to find out? Thanks

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quizzes made in excel, answers how to see them

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