Advantages: always on, quicker page loads, quicker downloads, you can set up your software to auto-update from the web and not worry about cost/time, frees up phone line, depending on your dial-up package/usage may be cheaper.
Disadvantages: you will waste a lot more time web-surfing. More time on the net exposes your PC to more nasties, so you will need to run decent, up-to-date firewall and anti-virus software.
Concur with all of the above. I cannot even use dial-up now - it drives me mad. Very frustrating.
I would re-enforce the need for a firewall.
I took delivery of a new computer this week, and immediately installed the Zone-Alarm firewall in the first 24 hours it has blocked 7694 intrusions, 137 of which are high rated. And that's only surfing the net.
I concur with all the above, and would add, that as well as a software firewall, such as zonealarm, also invest in a good antivirus program, a good one is available from Also, if the broadband package you are looking at doesn't include a combined router/hardware firewall, then consider purchasing a hardware firewall as well.
If unsure of your PC security go to this site; Its free, just click on "probe" and wait for next instruction. Takes a couple of minutes.
try and find what is causing your pop-up autodialer! If nothing is scheduled and you haven't asked it, there's no reason for your PC to want to dial out. Unless you've caught something nasty. With always on broadband, you won't see this and you could be happily sending all your stuff to another person! A firewall is required, but it won't prevent traffic originated from your pc unless it's set to fll allerting.