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WMA files

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Scarlett | 18:54 Thu 29th Nov 2007 | Technology
3 Answers
How can I burn a WMA file to CD? I try and do it using realplayer but it makes my PC crash and the blue screen of death appear!


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Hi Scarlett,
Try using a program such as Nero for creating audio cds from WMA files.
You can put a wma file onto cd from Windows(using drag and drop) , but the disc will only work in a computer or maybe a modern cd player which can read wma format audio files.
Seeing as WMA is a Windows Media Player format, can you not use that to do it?

I'd use Nero but WMP will do it
I'm also using Windows Media Player to copy WMA files to CD, and always work on any cd/dvd players ... either those attached to computers or those that play indepently. As long as the CD is finalised, it will work on any CD/DVD players.

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