Just because something is old-fashioned doesn't mean that it won't do the job. (I've still got the Uher reel-to-reel recorder I used to acquire my radio journalism qualification!). Minidisk will still do a perfectly good job.
However, if you want one of the tools that the professionals use, you need to go a company liker Solid State Sound and get hold of a recording device that creates a digital file directly to an SD card, so that you can easily transfer it to your PC. Some of their gear costs mega-bucks but the Edirol R-09, at �248, might be worth considering. (You could probably get a good price for it on eBay when you no longer needed it):
http://www.solidstatesound.co.uk/edirolr-09.ht m
Alternatively, for a lower price, consider something like this:
http://www.it247.com/Product/281-E0457679/?cha nneltype=PersonalAudioPlayersRecorders&level1c at=AudioVisual&keywords=281-E0457679&prodid=28 1-E0457679&level2cat=PersonalAudioVideoandMP3& campaign=froogle|personalaudioplayersrecorders |-&utm_medium=PersonalAudioPlayersRecorders
For further possibilities, google 'mp3 voice recorder'.