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what have I done to my Digis ma??

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woofgang | 19:57 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | Technology
506 Answers
I have a computer/digi camera problem.....all of a sudden (seemingly) about half of my beautiful hi res photos have been converted to 640 by 480 res....has anyone got any idea what i did and how to undo it please??
I transfer them from card to hard drive using the card reader slot and the cut/paste option in "my computer"


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Hi again.

Jno, I have used this osteopath on many occasions and she is a treasure. She was recommended to me by my GP who also goes to her. She has never put me through any pain or real discomford and I could have easily gone to sleep this morning!!

Mind you I am now tired, so might go up to bed with a pillow between my knees!!

Kit, my ribs often get out of position and give me trouble. It can be excrutiating and I have to see the osteopath when that happens! This time however it is definitely due to the fall, but I can't reach up with my right arm. In fact I would be better off cutting of the whole of my right hand side

Have a good weekend everybody.
Mmmm - the problem with having to post twice before anything appearing on the next page seems to have disappeared too Neti!!

Things are getting better.

AB seems to be better all round now in some respects. Very little real nastiness.
Yes I saw Hef and Shirl, I've seen them interviewed before, lovely women...I've not long posted this on peri's thread in M&Tv
"That irritating woman on this morning who does the tv reviews said there was a choice of Phil, Minty, Darren or Billy"

sorry bout this tv trivia folks...just keeping my mind off all things medical/vetinary...

we had a postal delivery today btw...letter from my local councillor ha bloomn ha...shame it wasn't from a local counselor, that would be of more help
Thanks Lottie. Earlier today I sneezed. Not something I want to do again while this rib thing is going on. Still, I think I'll give it some more time first as the doc said a few weeks, but if nothing changes it's good to know that osteopathy is da shit. I looked MOT up in my online acronym dictionary, it said Moment of Truth (amongst other things). I don't want to go for a moment of truth every month thank you very much, if I wanted that I'd be married ha ha ha!

Found your pen jno but I can't get it unstuck

About finding things, I once found the keys (on a key chain) to The Royal Dramatic Theatre on the loo minutes before a play started. I so wanted to keep them. Must be fifteen years ago and I still want them! But I couldn't do it to the cleaning lady/man (whom I gathered the "guilty" person was) so I turned them in. Sigh. To think I could have been The Phantom of The Royal Dramatic Theatre... http://en.wikipedia.o...oyal_Dramatic_Theatre
Ha ha Kit - I like it - "Moment of Truth" in a way it could be correct (for your car!!)

Definition of MOT

"The Ministry of Transport test (more usually: MOT - an initialism rather than an acronym) is an annual test of car safety, aspects and exhaust emissions which are applicable to most vehicles over three years old in the United Kingdom if they are used on public roads."
So. you and jno are both allowed on public roads...! ;-)

It's very common for us over here to describe our regular check ups with GP's as our MOT's!! I suppose it started as a joke, but now is accepted language. Everybody knows what you mean. It must be hard for people from overseas to understand things like this, but you must have lots of similar examples in Sweden.
me me also, I am allowed on public roads and my MOT for car is every 2 years, whereas the doctors usually try to shut the door before I get there! a nutshell 'cos I'm shattered...Charlie's got a heart murmur & some bad teeth, they've given him antibiotics, antihistamines & I've got to de-flea as a precaution..back next week to decide next course of action. They don't know what's caused the fit yet, it may or may not happen again. Despite all that I'm glad I went today, I hate weekends as it is without worrying about the coming week. :o(
Hi Robinia,

Try not to worry about Charlie too much this weekend. We had a terrier with a heart murmur. He was put on tablets when he was about Charlie's age and lived until nearly 16 without any further problems. His heart gave out in the end but I suppose that happens to all of us.

Put your feet up and try and relax.

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hello all, sorry about the disappearing act and sorry to hear about all your problems including poor little Charlie. If it is epilepsy its treatable. Give him a gentle hug from me. Yes Kit, that picture you posted is exactly like my boys, especially Shughy who is currently on steroids to sort his ears out (vet thinks its an allergy excema)
I have spent the past week out hunting kitchens with DH...we have decided to blow ALL our money and have a new one as well as the floor and the 3 piece. Its blooming hard work I can tell you.
Anyway here's a gift
thanks folks...sometimes you just need some reassurance, I think it's a bigger worry when you're on your own. The thing with pets is you feel guilty & blame yourself for every ailment they have ...well I do. Whoever said antihistamines make dogs drowsy needs to think again...haha...he's flying round like a man possessed as usual. I s'pose I must have been getting something right for him to reach almost 13!

Err, yes, thanks for that woofy, you remember Craig Shergold?
Is anyone watching \"Murderland\" it\'s good isn\'t it!
There I go slashing all over the place!!! wonder why?
Definitely more worrisome when you're alone and yes it's always the weekends isn't it, my cat must have had an almanac, I am sure of it. And no matter which decision you make it's always the wrong one, in your own mind. If I could go back I would have said goodbye sooner - and no doubt I would then have blamed myself for rushing things. But that's very reassuring info from Lottie, Robi, try to hang on to it, you've done everything you can for now and perhaps nothing more will be necessary. Charlie will probably outlive us all, at the rate we're going downhill :)

Do we need some pretty music in here or do we need some pretty music in here. Here's a Swedish girl born in Ethiopia.
Evening all
Sorry to hear Charlie is unwell Robinia .They are a worry . Shaney had a couple of fits like that during his lifetime .His was problem was Jack in the Box syndrome though .:) He liked to lay lay under the table and a a couple of times he jumped up suddenly and cracked his skull causing him to flake out shortly afterwards . It was frightening because he lost control of himself .Of course he did this once on a New Years day ,which meant calling out a vet,and once at night where I had to get my brother to come and take us to an emergency vet .
I hope you feel easier now he's been to the vet and hopefully the treatment will help.My old Mickey the Norfolk terrier had a dicky ticker and he lived to the ripe old age of 17 .
I saw the first one of Murderland last week Neti .That's the one with Robbie Coltrane isn't it ? I thought it was good .
Who are Hef and Shirl ,Darren and Minty et al ? Have I missed something exciting ?
Hope you are all fair to middling otherwise and all medical mysteries are improving somewhat .I've been busy cleaning up this shack of mine today and I'm bushed so I'm off to have a soak
It's been a lovely day here ,quite mild and sunny .
Have a nice weekend everyone xx
Hello there. So sorry to hear about Charlie Robi I do hope he gets well soon. I can appreciate what it's like having an illl pet. Very worrying. In fact I feel quite guilty as I have just come in from a night out dancing and chatting with my friends and now I'm reading all your posts about sick pets and feel sad for you Robi being on your own and all.

Take care Biddyfreinds and have a good weekend xx
that Jude, out jiving while everyone else is on their deathbeds (them or their pets, anyway). Well, thank heaven someone is still young and mobile.
Morning all - how is everyone today?

I was worrying about you and Charlie last night Robi and how awful it must be to be on your own with a sick dog, hope he has recovered and is back to normal!
morning all.. wet & so dark here, I might have to light a gaslamp if it doesn't brighten up. Apparently I won't need any lights at all soon, they're replacing our street lighting with low energy (very apt for this road) super bright ones...I'd better not run around outside at night, the locals will think there's a skelly on the loose, it'll save me going for xrays I s'pose

Thanks for all your kind words (sniff)...I bought a couple of small tables with a drawer in earlier this yr & Charlie took to sleeping under one straight away...fortunately he only just about touches the underside so any bumps are few & slight. He's itching again at the moment, probably because he's just got damp in the garden hope the anti-hist's kick in soon, it makes me itchy watching him :o)

Shaney, Hef & Shirl etc are in Eastenders...have you seen it yet Neti?!! I thought about you when all was revealed, haha. I daren't say anything in case you haven't.....but oh dear.

Better don me cagoule & rev up the old trolley....Peri went to a psychic night, I'll see if I can find her she was going to get the lotto numbers & I've got an apartment to buy...there's not far to go I can put a trailer on my bike to move and there's even a parking space for the good ship Farewell Trollop

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