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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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Hi Lottie...yes sometimes I feel absolutely lousy until mid/late morning, I didn't feel like that when I was pregnant! :o) I've only just had some breakfast & that was only rice crispies. It only seems to start in the night & some say it's more of a 'big deal' when that occurs but I read something recently where a doctor said there's no evidence for that.
Jude, do you think if you dug a bit deeper you'd actually find a buried millionairess?

I hope the day is going okay for the shaneys.
Robinia, Well mine always has started in the early hours and is always worse in the morning and I invariably feel lousy until mid morning. I have just had some toast (breakfast) I can't eat first thing. By the afternoon evening I feel loads better.
Well here I am back from out jaunt to Ibiza town (from whence my last posting came) we were having brekkie (tomato juice and garlic and oil on toasted bread roll - pan boli, and a cafe con leche) as we had gone to get more webbing for Mr N to finish the last 3 seater settee.

Saw a Rav4 woofy, very nice, would love one.

Yes I can eat almost anything but curries etc do tend to cause acid reflux in the night and I hate that, can't breathe and it stings the throat.

It's so nice now that hija and Mr N are getting on again, even she is happier.

Very sunny and warm today, absolute rain storm in the night, so my nice clean and empty pool was covered in black water and dead insects. I have since swept it clean and mopped it.

My backache is now in right hip, not so bad during the day but kills me at night, then I got cramp this morning , so woe!
I feel great and energetic in the mornings, and then come 16hrs I am shattered.
struggling with the gas board.....
Oh dear Woof. Not easy is it.
I filled in my form for a blue badge and it said I wasn't eligible. Next step is to appeal to the blue badge people. Girl at county said they had tightened up the rules.

Apparently it would seem that unless you are blind or can't use your legs and arms at all you can't get a blue badge. I couldn't tick 'no' in the box that asked me if I could walk. I was advised by county to put the worse case scenario so said I could walk 2ft in 2mins, but apparently that means I can't have a blue badge.
Why do I see quite a lot of reasonably sprightly people driving with Blue Badges. I am somewhat perplexed by these rules.
Hi folks
Well that was fun . Why do they have the heating on full blast in these hospitals . I was nearly nodding off .If the lady sitting next to me hadn't regaled me in great detail about her forthcoming hip replacement I'd have been fast asleep.

All sorted ,heart and BP fine .Then had to wait around to see a doctor and the anesthetist .Blood tests Friday and then he has to be there next week at the unearthly hour of 6.30 am .
Bit of a non day here weatherwise .Drizzling and dull.
I had the sicklies and dashes this morning .I think some of it's down to anxiety .Whenever I have to go somewhere out of the ordinary I get uptight I can't eat first thing either .
Hope you are sicklies all OK now .
These companies are a pain in the arse Woofy .They just make life more difficut when you have enough to contend with .
How does someone who's blind with no arms and legs drive a car ?
Did they say that at the Kremlin ?
My brother is 77 and has one for about.I think , three years now .
Since his disastrous knee op anyway . He limps now and his other knee is now playing up .Plus his dicky ticker and also I think because of my SiL who as you know had a heart attack and her breathing is very poor as she had TB She gets out of breath easily and can't trek far without having to rest ..All factors that contribute I suppose .
He looks sprightly for his age but the knee gives him a lot trouble .
I think to get anything these days you have to be crawling on your hands and knees .
My BiL has a disabled badge and a special key for disabled toilets, but he doesn't get out of his bed anymore. Sister is very moral and won't use the badge if he's not in the car. Have just made thick chicken broth and a chicken and mushroom pie with chips for dinner.

Shaney I get the runs whenever I am flying or have to drive to airport or anything different from normal routine. Had to taken several imodium when going to dentists!
I am going to appeal. Perhaps the idea is only to issue them to blind people who can't use their arms and legs because they can't use them and the Mums in 4WD's who use them regularly will have more space.

They have changed the rules quite recently, I am told Shaney. They were very nice at the Kremlin and told me about putting in the worse case scenario, which I did. Then they told me it's done on a point score system which only takes a note of the tick boxes and doesn't note any comments you might make in the spaces available., i.e. What is wrong with you and how does it affect you and your normal life. These comment boxes apparently are only taken into account if you appeal. So why put them on the form.

There are only about 10 things take any notice of.

If you fill in the form you will see what I mean. You can't look through it first!! But you can fill it in and then not send it.

It's just ludicrous.
Glad everything is on track for Mr S, Shaney. x
I would appeal Lofty .If you can't walk properly then it affects your quality of life .
Tell them you are out in the sticks and the car is your only means of transport .

It's like these scooter things .There's a woman round here who charges around on the bloody thing ,which ,she tells anyone who'll listen, was paid for by the social .She beeps at anyone who dares to be walking in front of her on the pavement but when I saw her at the doctors ,she leapt off the blasted thing and practically ran round the corner to have a fag before she went in !

And I struggle along with my hips and it gets more and more difficult .
If I wanted a scooter ( which would be last tomato for me ) I'd have to pay for it .
No fairness is there Shaney. One of the questions was did I have a disability living allowance. If I did that would have helped me I think. Shall I apply!!?

All I want is a bit more space round me when I park so I can get out of the car easily by opening the door wider, and then be able to not have to walk so far in all weathers at a snails pace. Once they get going, my feet aren't too bad. It's the initial stages of walking that are no wretched. They aren't going to understand that are they!! :o(
Glad all is going smoothly for Mr S.
The gas board was quite funny. I want to add plumbing and electrical cover to the central heating cover. We were with Homeserve but I think I said they wouldn't talk to me as the didn't have the policy holder's (DH) permission. Anyway the cover is going to cost an additional 6 quid a month which i think isn't bad for unlimited 24/7 callout.
Anyway the first young man said he needed to talk to his supervisor and I got cut off, the second young lady, when i told her what i wanted said " OH we have a special offer on that for existing customers, it will only cost you £10 a month....then she said I would have to cancel my central heating insurance as you can't have both......rang off at that point as a delivery arrived. Third young man nearly wet himself laughing when I told him what his colleagues had said and I now have cover.
Bash on Lottie...I understand that most of these things are declined on application and allowed on appeal.
I can't take immodium....blocks me up for days
ah, here we are at last, the new YouTube star - our kitchen.

Also our living room and a few hundred of our books. The Heart Disease book on the mantelpiece is not ours but the little African sculpture next to it is.
woooo shiny kitchen.....I couldn't have shiny surfaces, they'd always be covered in fingerprints
Oooh lovely Jno ,
Adds pomegranate tablets to shopping list ...

Do you think they'll help my aching bones .I don't know where to put meself this evening .I'm already in my dressing gown and debating about whether or not to turn in .

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