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Help with sign in to AB

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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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My Sunday lunch (shared with hija of course)

I finally got Mr N and hija to actually get together so we all ate out and it was lovely.
and yes Robi, there is a botifarra lurking in there, (well until I ate it!)
all quiet in Biddydom I see, I have been siesta ing. Now for a quiet evening and night!
I siesta'd too. Watching a video'd George Gently. I roasted chicken for tea then didn't fancy it.
Hi woofy, how are the pups behaving? Keeping you busy I guess.
being remarkably good. They had to skip their walk this morning because of Rab throwing up. No point letting a dog with a dicky tum run in the forest and eat poo.
Will they always want to eat poo, or one day grow out of it?
Horse poo is a doggy delicacy :-(
Oh yuk!
Morning each and every biddy. I am still in bed so late, but will get up now. I was up at 7 and swept the patio.
Got up at 04.30, took dogs out, came home, fed dogs, back to bed. Going to test drive a new car today.
Morning, I haven't deserted you. Am making Mr LL a packed lunch, but will be back later. Lovely, lovely day, as was yesterday! Probably be later this afternoon that I will drop in again, meeting my friend for lunch (my friend who lives in Spain) and is back for a month or so.

Just talked to County Council about Blue Badge. My application will have to be assessed, but have been advised to fill it in as if it was one of my bad days.
Meeting friend at 11.45, so better get myself going.

We went out for a meal last night with friends and had a ginormous Sunday Roast at 8.00pm. I have never eaten so much roast beef in all my life - and I had to leave a load (well Mr LL ate it!!).

Can't face food this lunchtime, but I will try!!

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Morning all...breezy and (too) fresh ...hope you're all mobile. I ate very little yesterday due to a headache. Not surprising really 'cos the barometer's dropped right back.

Please note that I'm not doing an Elvis impression, I've acquired a twitch in my top lip.
getting a new car woofy!! Have you seen the new VW Up, we have a promotion here on the island this week and these dear little cars are zooming everywhere.

Well it started out warm and sunny and there was I trailing a cardi everywhere, but now it's cooled down and looks like rain. Now have internet on two mobile phones which I think is overkill and too expensive, so must start thinking of having just a normal phone for calls and nowt else.

Going to cook a roast chicken and all the trimmings tonight, cos I now have horseradish sauce and I find chicken too flavourless otherwise. I cook them in those Lakeland bags and they cook so quickly and without mess, although my ovens are beyond cleaning by now.
Hi folks
Very bright and breezy here .Very breezy !
I feel Ok but won't soon if I have much more of the jackhammer going nineteen to the dozen next door who are being paved over at the front They've ripped all my fence down and nicked a bit down the side alley .
The border is at least a foot narrower .Good job I hadn't planted it up as I was going to ,but he is putting a new fence up so I suppose I shouldn't moan.
But it's soooo loud , noisy and dusty .
Woofy have you tried slathering your heels in Vaseline at night and putting socks on ?
Do that every night for a week and you'll have tootsies as smooth as a babys' bum :)
Be good ..see you later .
Oh yes ..PS Lofty ..lay it on thick with a shovel viz the badge .
According to my brother you have to give them the worst scenario .
Yes lottie, crunchy bones and collapsing every other step, think I'll try it over here.

Very breezy here now, and I have a yen to clean, so have done the patio, put away all sunbeds, pool cleaning equipment, and moved the table and chairs and swept and mopped everywhere, of course it'll rain dirty rain now. Have also done a pile of ironing left over from last week. I usually do it regularly but didn't get round to it.

Waves to jude, hope all is Ok..
Dear Biddies, it has come to my attention that Barry Manilow has escaped from the confines of my wardrobe and is apparently appearing on ITV 1 sometime this week. If any of you happen to espy this young whippersnapper could you please advise me so that I may watch him and maybe track him down and haul him back home!

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