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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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♫'s raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring...♫ actually it looks like snow, but as it's not too cold I guess it's floaty rain!
Am getting mighty fed up with this back pain, it's sort of inside the body, can't find it externally and right buttock is aching, I was thinking sciatica, but no idea.
better post a picture of it and let Sqad have a look, neti
Does he has a wide-screen monitor? sound as if you've pulled a muscle Neti .Have you twisted yourself in any way lately . You said your hip was aching .Mine does this ,then gives out and it hurts in my buttock. You need something to rub in really like a gel Feldene is good .I hope it soon eases off .

Or ..........Take 600mgs twice a day,monitor the situation and report back.
We'll then tell you it's no big deal and you can then shout at us :)

Hope all Biddys are Ok .Lovely bright sunny day here but rather chilly .
I haven't been out at all today,have done b. all and we're having a take away meal tonight .The very height of laziness .
Be good .
But shaney, rub it where, I cannot actually find it. And 600mgs of what......
Iuprofen ...they're anti inflammatory or you can buy Ibuprofen gel
I don't think you can find it externally Neti ..the pain is probably in a muscle somewhere or are you looking for a lump of some sort ?
Just trying to find where to rub the gel!
Hello aching biddies. I have been to Kings Lynn and walked right round the shopping centre, come home and taken the dog out for a couple of miles across the fields and now my hips are killing me - not surprising really!! Lay on the bed to do the exercises recommended by the physio and the cat decided to do acrobats on my tum :o(

They have changed BHS in K.Lynn into Primark!! I am not impressed but bought 2 jumpers at £3.99 each. Nothing special, but will be cosy indoors in the winter with my joggers. Bought Mr LL a jumper for his forthcoming birthday.

I have booked a surprise long weekend for his birthday, but have told him we are going away as I want him to drive. He gets free petrol!!

Now going to get a cuppa, watch the television and finish the scarf I started knitting last winter which is now going to be a snood!!

Lovely day weatherwise!!

Sounds like your hip Neti or could well be sciatica, they seem to go hand in hand with me. Put on ice pack on the painful area to take down the inflammation.
just pour it into the tub and hop in, neti, a cure for all ills.
I've just been a real piggie and eaten a half pounder with cheese,salad,garlic sauce and chips from the kebab shop . I'll probably suffer later.
Off to watch some TV and then turn in .It's turned ever so cold now.
Hope your back feels better soon Neti and hope you are alright Woofy xx
Goodnight folks.
hello all. Pat went back today so its quiet here. OK but quiet. I know I have to do the next bit on my own, learn what can't be taught.
Neti have you got a bag of frozen peas? Wrap it in a tea towel or pillow case and put it on your bum.
PS its blooming cold here. I dropped in to M and S after seeing pat off to buy a cloche hat like this one.
but all the styles have a really high crown so when you pull them on, the crown goes down lower than my eyebrows.

give a dog a virtual walk and Pedigree donate a quid to dog rehoming.
Hello Woofy I've just taken that lovely dog for a virtual walk. Good to hear
from you.
I really don't know what to say to comfort you at this minute except I hope the days and months get easier for you.

I think that hat looks lovely but I look awful in hats! I didn't even where one for my son's wedding. He didn't mind though thank goodness.

I hope you get better soon Neti. I have had sciatica (sp) in the past and it was really incapacitating and I just kept taking common painkillers at the time I think it was paracaetamol. Woofy's method sounds a good idea.

I had a good lunch with my friend at a Wetherspoons. Had a lovely lasagne and salad and a Latte without the Baileys today.
I'm off to bed now as I have to go to a funeral tomorrow. It is a 'very good long time' friend of our parents and us of course. We three sisters are gong together. Our brother wont be able to come. He was a brilliant jazz pianist and really entertained us when he came visiting with his wife. She was Austrian and their daughter was Derby's representative with the twin-town of Osnabruck for a year as she could speak the language.

Anyway Have a peaceful night all and keep warm. - See you tomorrow.
Just popping in to say goodnight.

Frozen peas woofy? it's cold enough here now, winter has arrived with a bang.
Hope you are Ok woofy x

Thanks for advice on bottom, am slathering on volterol and quaffing paracetamols.

Love to you all

nite nite x
Just passing through!
Morning all. My screen has gone sideways, help please?
Panic over, sorted.

Hope you are all Ok, chilly here, ahhhh!
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Morning 'eck, I'm exhausted, I've just walked a bloomin great dog four times my body weight across half the country :o)

Woofy I'm glad the funeral went well, there are a lot of women in the business these days and I'm so pleased that something good came out of what must have been a very, very tough day. I hope your relationship with your sister blossoms from now on, I couldn't cope without my sis. I wish I was nearer to some of my cousins - the ones who are as daft as I am.
I used to wear hats in the winter but now I seem to look a booger in them so for extra cold days I try to wear a coat with a hood.

Shaney that's great news for mr s, finally you have something to focus on. I hope it all goes well...I'll be doing lots of cosmic ordering! I'm celebrating with an actimel :o)

Sorry you have a funeral to go to today Jude...glad your dinner with 'a man' was good, ya little minx :o)

Hope your back's better today neti. Mine aches too but not low down, it's right across from one shoulder blade to the other, down to my waist and sometimes it goes into a spasm. It's not the easiest place to rub with gel...maybe I could daub some all over the wall and rub my back against it, do you think that'll work?

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