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Help with sign in to AB

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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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Ha, ha, I was puzzling then - wondering where it had gone!!!

2 Corrie's tonight as well!!!
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sorry neti but BOTIfarra...tastes of inner child couldn't resist.
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oh look at the time, I've done booger all today. Time for tea...rissoles.
Snap Robi, I started doing things this morning and all I have done is end up with a mess in every room. I need a firework up me jacksy to get me going!!!
Haha.... my cogs are long gone .
I'm going to watch the Corrie about dear old Betty Driver .I've not watched for years but remember her in the old episodes .I used to be a fan but that was way back in the days of Elsie ,Annie Walker and Stan and Hilda .
Being away for so many years when we came back it had all changed and I never got into again .
I still haven't put my washing away ....Slack Alice day.
It's turned very wintery out there now .
Oh rissoles ...what to have for dinner ...ding I think with rice :)
Have a nice evening folks ..yes Doc Martin tonight .
Robi, we call them a*seholes. not rissoles, and faggots! and we actually call the sausages Butifarra but google says boti so I complied. Now end of!
Oooh, rushes back to thwack lottie too!! <<<thwack thwack & thrice thwack! >>> goody, I enjoyed that.
good grief, the things people eat. I think I'll just deep fry the rat.
Ooough!Neti I couldn't resist looking - you knew I would :¬) Yuck!!
lol at you all and eating a*ses and butts. We have chicken kiev tonight. If any of you see frozen ready cooked jacket spuds in tescos, (brown box not telco own brand) get some they are yummy and at 2 quid for 4 spuds, not much dearer than a raw jacket baker.
Good thoughts for wednesday afternoon please when we say goodbye. The man who is helping me get probate (he wrote our wills) is being lovely and very helpful.
tesco own brand (sigh)
Woofy- so nice to see you. Is Sis still with you? Of course, we will be thinking of you. I sent you an email which is sort of about Wednesday. I hope you received it.

Enjoy your kievs. Are the boys getting one each too (knowing you they probably are)!!

Hello Woofy thank you for coming to see us.....I have been thinking about you and will be thinking good thoughts for you on Wednesday x
hello all. yes Sis is still here. She stays till Thursday then goes to the US for a hol and then comes back. No kiev for the boys as Shughy isn't allowed dairy....they got plain roasted chicken instead.
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Hi woofy, good to see ou on here & I'm glad we've made you smile...even if it was about yucky food. We're thinking of you every day and will be on Wednesday.

It's a cold, wild, windy night...better put your microwave slippers on full power jno...
ew, I prefer my slippers a bit more human, thank you, Robinia

Hi woofy, yes of course we'll all be there for you in spirit if not in person. x

My back suddely went out, and it is so painful, to sit, stand or anything.
Pair of slippers for jno


Sorry!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Oh dear, sorry Robi. I should have noticed the title of your link.

Great minds think alike!!!

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