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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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Lol......I can just see myself lugging about the High St with that .
They've got a lovely faux fur coat on that Isme site .I'm going to thwack Lofty too before long :)
Tut ...Sitting here wasting my time ...I must go and fold me washing up and put it away .
Shaney, I got a 20 rather than an 18 and it's fine. The only thing I would say is that it wouldn't take a sweater with big bulky sleeves. The sleeves aren't tight but not that roomy. The sleeves are nice and long too, even on the non-tall version. I was temped with black but thought I would be brave. I would go a size up if I were you. At £30.00 I thought it was excellent. It doesn't look cheap. The reviews on the site are quite accurate. One lady returned it because of tight sleeves, but I reckon she must have just had fat arms!!!


HRH the Queen!!!
Shaney, I had a Morphy Richards bread maker once and was not impressed. It fell apart. Wouldn't buy Morphy Richards anything now.

Wow, now Shaney can take her dinner with her wherever she goes. No need for an Italian on next Norwich trip!!
I haven't cooked in deep fat for at least 35 years. I almost set fire to the kitchen once not long after we got married. I know the electric ones are safe but I don't know what I would actually use one for.
Fed up with being thwacked!!!!
eek, just seen a fat rat in the garden, first one I've seen for 25 years or so. Is this normal in the English country garden, or should I be putting down poison? All advice gratefully considered.
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Narrow sleeves won't be a problem for me

eek jno! I believe rats are everywhere aren't they? Maybe it's just passing through. Can you ask your neighbours if they've seen any without freaking them out?

I haven't deep flat flyed since the invention of the oven chip
They reckon that in The Great Wen and surrounding areas you're never more than 20 yards from a rat Jno.
Keep an eye out ,they breed like rabbits .Phone the council to get a vermin guy to have a look .
Exterminate exterminate :)
Perfectly normal where I live jno. We just have to live with them - Mr LL shoots them and we do lay bait as well. Rat season will be starting for us any minute now as they come off the fields to seek shelter food!! :o(

Seeing one wouldn't worry me as there are loads of rats around everywhere. If you start seeing more call in the rat catchers. Especially if you are in a semi urban area. No point in us calling them in because it would be an impossible task!!
Robi, The McCain oven chips with their skins on are simply delicious!! I keep buying them. We don't have chips that often, but when we do they are oven chips.
thank you all, I shall wait for evidence of more before I trouble the council. Might get some poison, though cats come through our garden a lot.
jno - if you get poison, you have to hide it in places where rats go and cats, etc. can't get in - the problem is that cats may eat rats that have been poisoned. Bits of old pipe, upturned tiles etc are good things for putting poison in, especially around house walls - rats like the protection that walls give them. Rat poison doesn't harm birds because their digestive system (birds) is so rapid.

(No rude remarks about cats please!! ;o)
Yes, like lottie, rats are a fact of life here, mind you I wouldn't stay at home if there was one in the house, but ours are field rats, like overgrown mice, but in the village at night, where ones can be seen scuttling among the rubbish, but as we are not on the sewer system we don't get them, that's one advantage I suppose. Mind you some days there are huge rats left for dead outside the front door, some are as big as Mousey! I do not like removing them but no one else will!!
Now I don't wish to put a damper on things but cannot stand oven chips of any description.
I never deep fry either .If we have chips ,they are flat chips .Cold spuds sliced and fried or we have bratkartoffel with bacon and onions .
If I crave chips I go to the market where they fry them in beef dripping .I then tip cockles over 'em and scarf them down and am happy until the next binge .
Chips and cockles, urghh, shaney, I like them both but together, ooh. Whereas I like saugages and jam! (a leftover from my pregnancy yearnings), and I love Elvis's fav, fried peanut butter and banana sandwich, had to give them up as sooo fattening and lethal.
I used to have chips and tripe ! Mixed, weasand and jot .But there are no longer any tripe stalls on the market .
And I like, wait for it....................

Bread and marmalade dipped in the juice of bacon and fried tomatoes!!
Yuk, tripe..................

I like cockles too, but not cockles and chips!!

Actually I am not a great fan of chips. I don't call cold spuds sliced and fried 'chips'. I call them fried potatoes and I love them!!!! (especially with onions fried with them)
Actually I rarely fry anything these days though.
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heavens to betsy, I thought I'd wandered into the pregnancy room!

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