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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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Bright and sunny with absolutely clear blue skies. Am sitting here in my dressing gown with my new Clarks boots on which have just been delivered. I am loathe to take them off but I suppose I must before I get drersssed. They are yummy and comfy!!

Going to take Megs for a walk and then take the day as it comes.

(Shaney, I had left the ironing for weeks and weeks until the spare bed was buried under it. I made a decision to clear at least half of it and did better than expected. I shall make a resolution to do it regularly, and then break it!! I am like you, a slack Alice, when it comes to ironing - well when it comes to any housework really).

Love to you all and special hugs to our Woofy.

Hi all. I'm a slack Alice ironer too. It's been known that I've had it floating around waiting to be done for ages (usually on a worktop in the kitchen) that I've had to wash it again!
It's a lovely day here and I'm going to garden. Robi I have pansy seeds now growing by the 'thousands'. I'm going to take some photos soon.
Have a good day all and Love to Woofy from me as well. x
Laters 'gaters !
Hello all and thank you for the good thoughts. I can see but not touch the end of the business stuff. Just as well really as my brave and cheerful persona has holes in it. Sis is still here and being a star. Dogs are being particularly naughty and a great comfort. I read the thread often and it really helps. I bath rarely now as bad knee doesn't like it.
Hi Woofy. Thanks for keeping in touch. Those two naughty boys will be what keeps you going, bless them!!

So glad you have your sister with you.

(Actually that bath didn't relax me at all - it just made me hot and bothered - so probably won't venture in there again in the foreseeable future). Showers suit me better!!

Take care xxxxx
Hi folks
Not a bad day here .Sunny now after a dull start.
Nice to see you Woofy .Glad you are looking in from time to time and that our inane ramblings help you in some way .Much love to you xx

Well you'd think I'd asked for a pot of gold at the surgery this morning instead of a prescription for socks !
"No ,can't order them ,not on our system ..We haven't got a pip code ".
By the time I'd argued the toss I had the right pip !
So I've rung dermatology to ask what I should do and they are going to see if they can sort it out .What a palaver .
Otherwise nothing doing at Shaneytowers .I'm going to go and shove some dust round ,vacuum and tidy up a bit .
Be good ..see you later .
Hello woofy, thanks for dropping by. Keep trucking on x (does that sound right?)

Still hot and sticky, I lay in the sun for a while but can't be bothered anymore.

Hija has taken over my kitchen and made some inedible thing which she apparently likes.

Am not speaking to Mr N. but as I am a forgiving person and cannot hold a grudge it'll be over by tonight, and I want some dosh ..........

Oh I am shallow if not thin!
I wasn't talking to Mr LL this morning Neti, but I had some gossip I needed to tell him, so phoned him up. I forgot I wasn't talking to him!!!
I remember a while ago you were not talking to Mr LL
which has encouraged me not to to talk to Mr N, but I usually cannot be bothered not to talk. But he is very taciturn anyway (miserable bubble that he is) so the silence will hardly be noted! He is a sulker as was my mum but I am not, as I think it rather childish! But will give it a go anyway!
Hello Woofy good to hear from you and thanks for looking in now and again. I'm really pleased it has helped you.

I've sorted my pots of pansies out but think I shall need some more (pots)unless I plant them in the garden. My friend says I should swap them at the local shop for a bag of compost when they've developed more:¬)it I'm actually going to watch Telly tonight. HIGNFY, WILTY, and QI. then I'll be ready for bed. I've watched Andy Murray win in Shangai today so he is through to the semi-finals.
Sippa tea time now methinks.
Snap to Neti up there^, I blow up and say all sorts of horrid things and he says nothing. Then I decide to not talk to him and he doesn't even notice. I forget quickly and get over thinks quickly. He doesn't. He broods, but he doesn't sulk these days like he used to.

And yes he is taciturn too.

Jude, you will be running your own nursery soon!!

Except Lottie I do not say horrid things, he does, but i know if I did he would be gutted. There are a lot of horrid things I would like to say to him, but I am too nice. I mutter them under my breath when in the kitchen whilst brandishing the bread knife.
He's all smiles and niceness now, but I am being chilly!

Especially for you all!
yes, online friends tend to behave better than real world ones.

Glad you're bearing up, woofy. I guess the business stuff can help keep your mind off things. I have no helpful tips to offer, just good wishes.
Lovely Neti xxx

On line friends can turn into real live friends too. Sometimes I wish we could all get together at the same time!

Am off to bed shortly I think.

Plans for tomorrow - make a load of tomato chutney - tomatoes are taking over in this house!!!
I need to confess

I have just ordered another coat!

Oh dear!!!!0
How I agree Lottie I'd love a getogether. We all have different lives and stories to tell but I consider us good friends and I wouldn't be without any of you.
Woofy - you are still there in my thoughts.

Morning All I'm off to Fuschia's for my usual then nipping to Sainsburys for my favourite lettuce, Romaine, and then home for lunch. Derby v Southampton this afto at home so I'll get me new jacket and walking shoes on. Then a phone call to Steadier and a comparing of notes about the Dylan/Knopfler concert. After that I think it's Merlon and although I don't watch it regularly I have to have a look at Robbie Savage on Dancing. when he's knocked out then I'll stop cos I don't really like it.
The weather looks lovely again but a bit chilly when I walked to the paper shop.
Hope you all have a good and peaceful weekend. Take care.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Morning all
Lovely bright sunny day here .Bit chilly though .
They've shut us in here and closed the road for the weekend to resurface .
Beeping lorries and steamrollers for two days on the trot !
Hope you're all OK ,thinking of you Woofy .
Question Author
Morning all...
Good to see you in here woofy, I hope you're looking after yourself as well as those naughty boys.

ee it's a bit parky this morning but very sunny, lovely. Yesterday was glorious so, as per usual, I had one of me 'eads... a right sided (always worse), dizzy nauseous job ...

My little violas are coming along too Jude. I think I've overplanted one tub, they look like a football crowd all in the same clothes. :o) The rest I've shared between tubs with newly bought pansies & some will be dobbed in the ground. Time to hoik out my summer pots I think, these frosts they've promised us will see them off anyway.

I've been laughing at your 'not speaking to him' comments. I used to give my ex the silent treatment but like you neti I could never say horrible things. (I might now, lol) He'd wouldn't discuss or even argue anyway, he'd just get mad & storm off out, usually to the pub...or his mother's. If she'd kicked him up the backside a bit harder things might have been different.

I think there'll be a national coat shortage this year ;o)
supposed to be cold next week, so coat hoarding is in order.

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