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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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good morning/afternoon/evening, whatever is applicable!

Been busy, doing the shopping, getting my allowance re-instated (yay), getting internet on both my android phones, posting parcels to Oz and England, then meeting friends for coffee and doing the DT GK crossword which we actually finished today! have made Moroccan veg and sweet moroccan chicken to go with cous couse tonight! Now washing to hangout, then EE to watch!

I watched Midsomer last night, bit silly I thought, all this Stagging nonsense in this day and age!
Thinking of you woofy! xx
just flitting by with nothing to report... watched some rugby this morning and felt very sorry for the Welsh, then actually, I can't remember anything I did all day, except feel the cold a bit. Started on the weekend papers, but really only read 2 sections, so 87 still to go. Booked a flight to use up my air miles. Looked at a rather big hole in the ground which I suppose was dug by a large squirrel, or possibly Tony Robinson. Umm...

Maybe I should get a life.
Lol Jno
Much the same here .Did crosswords ,cooked dinner ,then we played cards for a while .I was losing money ( Mr S only plays for money..haha.. ) heavily, so when it was totting up to nearly five quid threw my hand in and
sloped off to watch Wallander and we've just watched History of Ceramics Very quiet here with no traffic all day .
Turned a bit chilly here this evening too.Just having a nightcap .
Goodnight folks .Sleep well.
Good morning, my it's chilly today and I love it. Slept all night uncovered but have a throw over me now. It's 17° but I expect it'll get warmer. Must get boots and jacket out in case it doesn't.

Moroccan dinner was very nice last night, I surprised myself. Hopefully out for lunch today.

Hope you are all Ok.

Thinking of you woofy x
Morning all. Fresh morning here but the sun is coming out. Derby made a draw yesterday 1 - 1. I wasn't too disappointed as Southampton are top of the league. We are now 4th. Not that any of you would possibly be intereted only I don't have anything else to tell you :¬) Into the Sunday paper now. Take care Everybiddy. Laters...
Yesterday, went for long walk over fields came back made chutney and vegetable soup, watched tele briefly, went to bed. Exciting. Mr LL spent all day sitting in the fireplace scratching his head and looking up chimney with torch whilst covered in soot!!!! Father Christmas came to mind!!!

Today, sort of watching F1 Seul, making some passata and then going out for Sunday lunch with son and partner (their treat!!)

Love to you all. xxxx
The Sun has now gone in. Tennis at 9.30 Murray in Shanghai Final...
Sunny here! Yesterday was amazing - like summer. Then it got cold in the evening.

Sunny, but very chilly out there. Have just hung out washing. Very autumnal, damp and dewy with cobwebs. Had to wear my gardening rubber cloggs to hang out washing!!
Jude didn't you go to see Bob Dylan and Dire Straits? If so how were they?

Have to ask lottie, why was Mr LL sitting looking up the chimney and scratching his head????
He he. I'll keep you guessing for a while. It's an inglenook type chimney, two or three people can stand up inside it!!
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Morning wincey-ettes...ooh, it's chilly, it was misty and like wat autumn should be first thing. Love the warm afternoons though.

Well what tewibbly dull lives you all have, I don't know why I mix in such a circle. I spent a glorious sunny afternoon yesterday swooping around the Peak District in a helicopter & dropped into Chatty House for dinner with the duke & duch. They wanted me to stay over but I told them I wanted to get back to watch Merlin. :o)
(Oh no Jude, now Uther's dead!...played by Anthony Head for the uninterested)
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I had a massive panicky do as I was about to have a shower this was horrible. Might be a subconscious fear of going down the plughole.
I panic in the shower if my head goes under the spray as I can't breathe, hate it. Always wash my hair backwards.
lovely and sunny here, but I think it's the sun from the Ice Planet Miele. Didn't watch any rugby as either Auckland Sis or Sydney Sis would be disappointed. May go out and look at some replacement back doors that would let in a bit less Miele than the gappy single-glazed ones we've got.
Murray played a blinder - fantastic. Steady is a gem giving me his Sky Sports password etc. Must get something done. House like a tip...Playing Dylan now..Yes Neti I did go and what a night. I was mesmerised. Had my binoculars with me and could see all his expressions and mannerisms. Even Mark Knopfler was great what a guitarist.I'm still as high as a kite since last Tuesday. Had a great discussion with Steadier about it yesterday very interesting.
Yes Robi sad about Uther I thought Merlin would have used his magic but he couldn't, not to that extent.

I'm off again now to prepare some veg for my lunch to go with my salmon. The sun's gone in a bit and it's quite cool. My NF is coming round later for a Baileys so that'll warm me up :¬)

See yer later 'gater(s)...
Damn and blast, it is now 28° here again . Have just been out to a local spanish restaurant for lunch, full with two football teams over from Mallorca to play this afternoon. I had gazpacho (cold tom soup), solomillo of pork with pepper sauce and veg, and chesecake with blackcurrants, absolutely divine and cheap! Hija didn't come (she'd been ill alll night after partying hard for two days) so she's happy with a KFC Box chicken wrap and chips and Pepsi. Back in my room watching the dvds of Hancock that my sister sent me for a birthday pressie.

Jude I so envy you, would love to have been there. Did Dylan still sound Ok or thready with age? as for Knopfler, I'd leave home for him anytime!
Robi, why did you have a panic attack, is this something that happens often to you. You always seem so normal compared to most of us on here.
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I don't know why neti, I go through phases of panics sometimes. This time of year I find difficult when the days are so much shorter, I hate seeing the year slip away. 28°! That is a bit's been lovely here and warm enough in the sun at the bottom of the garden where I've been playing with the fairies.
//You always seem so normal compared to most of us on here//... lol :o)
I know exactly how you feel in a panic attack Robi I've had them over the years but not so much now. I've really learnt how to contol myself if I feel one coming on. My Dr. helped me and a man came to see me at home and discussed them with me and he gave me lots of help. This was years of me having them and they were stopping me enjoying life. I really hope you don't get them often as they can be so scary at times.

Neti - Dylan does sound thready as he is 70 but so 'upnotey' like he was but more so as he hasn't got the range he had anymore. I love 'im. Knopfler was friendlier to the audience and such a talented guitarist. He very grey now and hasn't much hair left but very entertaining.

It's feeding my face time again so - Have a goodnight Everybiddy. Not forgetting you Woofy - never will x

NF will be here in a an hour or so....See yer later 'gater(s)

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