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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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Good morning biddy campers. 15° at the mo positively freezing! but it'll warm up no doubt,

Jude I am surprised that you suffered from panic attacks.Having met you, you seem so positive. I guess I used to have them when I got on an airplane and sometimes when driving but I could control myself, but that may not be the same thing at all.

Well BiL has been seen finally by one doctor who knows all that he is suffering from. He says the district nurse wasn't doing the right blood tests, and he has taken him off of one set of tablets, and proper blood tests being taken today. He says he has an infection in his aorta (this I gathered from my sister on a very reedy telephone call).
Always thinking of you woofy, with love x
Morning all
Bright and sunny .Hope you are all OK.
I had a day that went from bad to worse yesterday . I browned a load of meat and veg put it in the slow cooker ,switched it on and the switch broke and came away in my hand .That was disaster number one .And so it went on .Broke a plate ,knocked a cup of tea everywhere ,had to call the district nurse in for Mr.S ......I won't bore you any more ....

Hope this doctor can do something for you BiL Neti .
Otherwise it's the same old at Shaneytowers .Managed to get my socks sorted out .That nurse at the hospital is very effecient and put the receptionist at the surgery firmly in her place
Take care all ....thinking of our Woofy xx
Hi there Biddies,

Winter doth approach!!

Hope Mr S is OK Shaney, so sorry you had such a grotty weekend. I sincerely hope poor Mr S gets sorted out soon.

Also pleased Neti that your BiL is getting some proper attention now. Let's hope that he too now gets some swift help. (By the way Nets, Mr LL was sitting in the fireplace most of the weekend, except for the few hours we went out to lunch. He has taken the old wood burner out and the register plate and was exploring the chimney in which he has encountered a few problems before we install a flu for the new wood burner. Old houses like hours don't have any rhyme or reason sometimes and the chimney bends in the middle and has a metal bar across it which holds the house together.
Lots of thinking going on therefore scratching of head!!)

Son was going to treat us to roasts but due to 20 people turning up unexpected before we arrived, no roasts available, but we all had alternative very nice lunches yesterday.

My umpteenth new coat has just arrived and it's not going back!!! I thought because it was cheap it might look cheap, but it's great, fits perfectly and I love it!!

It's this

(Site down will post it when the site is up and running).

Going to read through your posts again because I know I have missed things

Glad to hear you had a good time with Dylan and Knopfler Jude!!

I am another panic attack sufferer. The problem is with panic attacks is that you don't know why you are panicking. They come out of the blue for no reason. I can deal with the anxiety attacks I have that are caused by something, but panic attacks are something else.
Love to Woofy. Thoughts are with you every day. xx
Morning Everybiddy. I'm pleased your BiL is getting the attention he needs Neti, about time too. Sorry about Mr S Shaney hope he gets sorted very soon. Must be really worrying for you both.
My Panic attacks started in my early 20s (you prob can guess why). They went on for a long time until I sort real help. The mind man (not psychiatrist) came to see me at home and helped me to control my mind. For example every tiime I felt one coming on I had to do breathing exercises for a start to control the Oxygen to my brain. Because that is the cause because when you go into an attack you breathe faster than normal and that leads to lack of oxygen and then the weird sensations come like heart pounding and feeling dizzy and then you have thoughts of 'I'm dying' etc. Anyway once I had my breathing organised when I knew I was getting anxious about something which could go on for say a week or until it was sorted I had to train my brain to think of something good as well as do the breathing exercises and I would think of a song or something that made me happy. It was always the same song or event for that anxiety. Then I'd be ok. The next time an anxiety arose it would be a different song or event. Then I had thoughts for lots of things I did in the day. Not continually now. When I walk to the paper shop it is Bring Me Sunshine. I don't have to do it everyday just sometimes now because I have got my mind under control. It sounds like hard work, well is was at first, but not now. That is because I know when I've thought about the song or event I'm going to feel ok. It has a fancy medical name but i can't remember what is but believe me I was determined I was going to make it work and Neti you have proved to me by your comment about me that tells me it does. I can't remember the last time when I had to do it but I now know I can if I have to. I never get it when I'm out and about. I used to get it in crowds or strange places but not now ever.
I've never talked to you all like this before but I really don't mind telling you as I know you are caring people and will understand.

Right what does Monday bring for me. Tidying up this morning a quick lunch then school. The tonight UC and Only connect! I'm watching a bit more telly now the dark nights are coming. Do we put the clocks back next weekend.
Had my heating on last night for the first time for months.

I better hop it before I run out of digits
Ooops see yer later 'gater(s)

Love to Woofy..x
Question Author
Morning all..cold here and windy. I'm thinking of giving my heating a go very soon Jude, hope it's working ok.

Excuse me everyone while I take Lottie into the yard & beat her up, she will keep posting nice coats and websites that keep me distracted for, well, hours sometimes. Have you ordered the blue/grey Lottie? How blue is it? I do tend to go for neutral colours, especially for coats but I probably ought to brighten up my wardrobe a bit. I did buy a winter white parka a couple of years ago, very brave for me but I love it. Considering my new tropical status though it'll probably be waaaayyy too warm to wear this winter, haha.

My anxiety moments don't involve the fast breathing thing, it's just an overwhelming sort of 'freeze frame'...I feel as if I'm disappearing (ok, just leave it)....and not real, like a dream. I have to concentrate really hard to carry on with what I'm doing/where I'm going. As you say Jude the best thing is distraction and moving your thinking to something different. Pinching the top of your leg until it really hurts works sometimes too,'s a good job I'm not a lingerry modul.

I think I'd better continue my decluttering...I got a little behind with the spring clean so it's now my annual pre winter sort out. :o)
Dear shaney, I do hope Mr S is OK, his problems have been going on for so long, poor man.

Went out in jeans, proper shoes, t-shirt and my thin dropped hem cardi from Matalan, I was quite warm and then the wind blew while we were having coffee and it was chilly. so lovely.

Just doing roots on head cos we are out wih friends tomorrow.
Robinia, it is a Blue/Grey and more grey than blue, a really nice soft colour - I thought it would brighten winter up!!
I go really hot when I have a panic attack, feel sick and faint and have palpitations, which makes me panic more!!!
Oh, and regarding the coat again - although it is padded it doesn't look bulky, even though it is a light colour and the hood is roomy so it looks quite nice up.

And dont laugh, I didn't realise it came in a 'tall version' so have now ordered a tall version so I can compare and see which length I prefer. One will obviously go back!! I know postage costs £4.00ish, but that is far cheaper than my petrol to somewhere with clothes shop and where I would have to pay car parking and then buy coffee (and probably lunch). Returns are free.

(And I also ordered three plain V necked sweaters (3 for the price of 2) 'cos I live in them in the winter with my M&S joggers!!!)

Glad you enjoyed the website Robi!!!

I am clearing out my clothes and being seriously ruthless, but I can't sum up the courage to get rid of a couple of really nice suit jackets that I used to wear to work. I doubt if I will ever wear them again. Perhaps next year I will take the plunge................................ I have to face facts that I am an old biddy living in the sticks and all I really need is a pair of wellies, a green waxed jacket, a woollen kilt and a headscarf with horses printed all over it tied under my chin!!
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Aye, ee be an ole country bumpkin Lottee :o)
Oh, here comes the paper boy with your magazine :o)

Yes that's it with the panics, you end up with a fear of the feeling which creates a vicious circle.

I've got a wardrobe full of things I just can't let go...make that half a house full...

Chin up shaney! Things can only get better after a day like that.
Lottie I honestly felt the same when I panicked. It was so frightening - my family didn't know what to do with me and that is why I sought some real help. I was fine in between but when It happened it was horrible..
Are we talking to her Maj here Lofty ?? Will we soon have to curtsey ?
Love the coat .I'm very tempted but in black .I don't do pale colours .
What's the sizing like as it would have thick jumpers underneath for going out not that I would wear it indoors you understand though you never know by the look of the forecast .
I used to feel very panicky at times until they sorted my thyroid out .

MR S is alright Neti thank you .The valve broke and it was his last one ( he should have said ...typical man ) so I had to chase about ( phonewise ) for some more but the district nurses are very good and brought some round .
I've just ordered a new slow cooker ! I can't be without .But I'm not buying that Morphy Richards crip again so I've ordered a 4.5 litre one by Hinari which has excellent reviews .
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well you'll need a handbag to go with that shaney :o)
Ha ha Robi, shaney and her bags!

I am thinking of saving up for a Tefal Acti-fry, as I couldn't buy a chip fryer in England and the ones here are awful, the elements are actullay in the oil, disgusting, and I want one where the actual bowl comes out for cleaning.

Robi I do not want "a handbag" (Edith Evans!!) with my fryer thank you.

We do not have deep fried food or chips very often but would like to be able to, at the moment we are using an old saucepan with oil in it, dangerous if left on!!!

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