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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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Night night

and special hugs to our Woofy x
Lol..Lofty ..
I have a hot bath every morning otherwise I can't get going .
If you could see me you would laugh .We have a big old roll top bath in the middle of the room and I wash and splash about for a while then I pull the plug out ,wring out me flannel and drape that over the edge ,then lean my elbow on it so I don't slip grab the other side ,take a deep breath and stand up ! Archimedes principal :)
We don't have a shower as such ,just one of those ones stuck in the middle of the bath which I use to wash my hair .Sometimes I shower down with it but it goes everywhere . But I love a long soak with a book and the radio .

Oh no ..not those phantom phone callers Jno .We had a spate of calls lately at all hours of the day and night ,who just hang up .

Hope you've had a nice birthday Neti .

Early doors for me to the hospital ,gammy leg dermatology dept where no doubt I will get a legture on leg management :)

Woofy ,we are all here for you xxxx
Nite all .xx
I can't spell either .......*principle*.not principal.
Before I get frowned upon :)
Shaney - you would definitely laugh at me. I have to roll over into a crawling position before I can get out the bath, using the handles at the side - What I wonderful sight it must be - my big bum!!!! I let the water out first otherwise it all comes over the top and a whale-like Lottie flips herself over.

(No jokes about water spouts please)

Night night again!!!
Morning folk

Thinking of you woofy x

I am a sprightly young thing then cos I can leap in and out of the bath with ne'er a care! We do have a window next to the bath with bars so I haul myself up by them! I love baths, but too hot at moment so it's till showers for me.

Had a lovely day yesterday, Mr N bought me a folding wall fixed double sided mirror with 5x mag (the price on the box was 120€) but I do hope it wasn't as I would rather have had the money!! Hija returned home and gave me the lovely Pacha hippy poster(1967) that I have been yearning for , and some new electronic scales (I have already lost 2 kilos on them) but they have a glass plate on which to stand and I was worried that I would smash it by standing on it. Bro phoned from Canada and sisters all called (3 other bros obviously forgot!). Met my friends for a coffee and they surprised me with a lovely chocolate cake with candles (no, not that many!) which can be seen on my FB page. I do not like choc cake so nibbled a bit and shared it with everyone. Such a lovely thought though, and such lovely friends I have. In the evening Mr N brought home a delicious mix of curries and hija graced us with her company, probably because I refused to wait on her!

Hope everyone has a nice day!
good luck shaney at the "gammy leg dept" sounds rather dickensian!
Good morning. Mr LL didn't get in until 3.00am - I had locked him out by accident!!!

Just going to have breakfast.
See you later

Morning all. I feel a bit guilty now telling you I'm off for my walk today what with you having painful legs etc. all the best Shaney at the 'gammy-leg-dept'.
If it let's me off a little bit I am expecting a call from the hospital to have a minor op on my nose in the day case clinic. I went on Tuesday morning to see the consultant and nearly passed out, he was so handsome. He wrote on the page I had to sign 'i will do this one' and he said if he didn't put that anyone of his colleagues may do it. I honestly couldn't believe it. It could be in the next 2 months if they don't get a cancellation.
I'm pleased you had a good birthday Neti. Have to go now so have a peaceful day everybiddy.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Question Author
Morning all, thinking of woofy x

Here I is, I got a bit muddled and thought it was Thursday yesterday.
Have they shuttup about who's the best yet? I shared all my expert knowledge during my first five years on here and if they can't be bothered to search for it I have no intention of repeating myself. They're lucky if they get a one liner nowadays. P'raps I should just start telling them all to google their answers. :o)

I'm fed up of automated phone calls. I did actually have a hooman call me last week and she was most put out when I informed her I was NOT up to my bits in debt and didn't need a loan the size of the national debt, thank you.
You have the best answer on here jno.

I'm not a bath person either Lottie but oddly enough I really did fancy lolling in some lovely warm water t'other day...It's always dust free cos my shower's over it but I decided I couldn't be bothered to wait for it to fill and I had a shower. I might go mad and treat myself before xmas :o)
Lottie you have best answer on here.

Good luck at the hozzy shaney, hope it's not a long job!
You have the best answer on here shaney.

Glad you had a good birthday many is it, do we need to apply for a telegram yet?
You have the best answer on here neti.

Well the weather's better today for walking Jude, hope you're going somewhere scenic.
You have the best answer on here Jude.

Right I'm off, might have to turn up the Abba to drown out the bloomin gurgling noises coming from me insides :o/.
the gammy gum department says I'm healing okay, so that's good news. New teeth by Christmas at this rate.

*Mark as best answer*
Well my leg is no longer gammy but I've been given some cream for the eczema and I have to go to the doctor and get a repeat prescription for those damn socks and I must wear them .Got told off for not wearing them.I knew I would .Have to go back in January .

So ,I got on ye olde bus and went straight into town where I bought a new dressing gown & some jammies in Marks .I tried on one of those hats Lofty but although it looked nice I thought it was a bit toooo dressy for wafting round the High St. I dithered for ages .
Ooh Jude I hope your op isn't anything too serious and all goes well.
Sounds as if you had a good day Neti .
I've marked you as best answer Robinia ,100 times :)
Thinking of you Woofy xxxx
Oh that's great Jno .You'll soon be able to have some steak :)
Question Author
evening all...that's good jno, not much longer on the Cow & Gate baby beanfeast.

And it's good news and bad for you shaney...sorry to hear you've got to keep pulling your socks up.

I've been rattlin' the ole abacus and I reckon we've made over 37,000 posts on biddy threads so if we go back and all mark each other as best (it can be done, I've looked) we'll be grandes fromages/top bananas on here.
Yes you're dead right there Robinia think I'll run round Q&P and moan at people who have the damn bare faced cheek to post all of two Q's one after the other :)
That'll bump my answers up a bit ....haha
Moan? don't mention moaning to me. I get one nice day cos it was my birthday then it's back to moan moan moan!
H Neti I've sent of emails can you let me know of you got them cos I might have sent to them to the wrong address.

I'm closing down now Biddyfriends. Yawning my head off....
Goodnight Sleep tightx
I have been ironing for most of the day. It has been wet and gloomy!!

Won't be long before I turn in.

Will spend tomorrow going back over my old Biddie threads and marking everything 'best answer'!!!!

Will have more to say tomorrow.

I'm turning in too .It's turned a bit chilly here this evening .Think I'll snuggle up with my book .
I watched Hidden earlier but am still non the wiser as to the plot ,I just like watching Philip Glenister .
Who mentioned ironing ? Naughty word in this house . I'm a bit of a slack alice when it comes to ironing .
Anyhoo folks ,sleep well .See you tomorrow .
Morning all.

Yes jude have received emails thanks. Good luck with the nose.

I am also confused about Hidden shaney, and I also love Philip Glennister, will carry on watching and see if it becomes any clearer.

Slightly overcast today, fingers crossed that it will be cooler.

Thinking of you woofy x
Question Author
Morning top bananas in pyjamas...fresh and cool here, they say it's going to be very chilly next week!
I'm liking these little yoggy drinks, very slurpable...which probably means they're not doing me any good :o)

Hope you're all ok and thinking of woofy x

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