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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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I think inactive is at users request, I presume a huff. Why did I know exactly who Shaney meant!!! ;o)

Don't worry jno I am degenerating from the top up as well and from the middle in both directions!!!

I am contemplating putting some washing out,but there is a 99% chance it will take off and end up in Shaney's garden!!! It's blowing a veritable gale. You are very brave going out in it Shaney!!
Oh dear lottie, that sounds incredibly painful to walk!

Who is inactive, I just cannot keep up! A hint please!

Nice day sweti but not too bad. Have done 3 loads of washing, am on the 4th (don't ask, I've no idea). Island s winding down now, another couple of weeks and the girries will have gone! Not that they are too bad, and we (the island that is) desperately need their money (ha that's a laugh!)

Has a strop in the Town Hall as I still have no street sign or addy, so marched in to be told that the woman in charge was in yet another reunion with the mayor, tough I said and marched up to his office where a very timid secretary listened to my bleatings and my refusal to budge,"She's in a meeting" she is always in a meeting Quoth I, an I cannot ever get hold of her, and sat myself down. I'll wait! Ooh she knocked on the door and went in, mumble mumble mumble, another head popped round to look at me, I glared back, and lo and behold there was a multitude of the heavenly host, oops sorry got carried away, she came and explained that it was very soon and difficult, so I ranted on about it being over a year, and I wanted the parking sorted so that we can get in and the street lighting sorted so that I do not fall over in the dark. So she is coming up one day (I will not hold my breath) to sort it. People Power!!!
Shaney I hope you took Sqad's advice about taking that 400mg!!
Our Neti lives up to her reputation

Neti, it is incredibly painful - but not all the time. Some days (like this weekend) I can hardly walk, and on others I do quite well. I am hoping that I can have some steroid injections in the feet. Although I have arthritis all over the place it is the feet that really worry me because if they fail then what do I do? I don't like to think of it too much.
Oh he was being really pompous and threatening some poor newbie who had posted his Quiz Q's in the wrong section and was in a bit of muddle .
"I've informed the Ed,you're heading for suspension ..blah blah blah.I'm Le Grande Fromage round here " type of thing .
Then when he realised he was on a loser he became abusive .

I'm degenerating rapidly from all directions Neti ..the 400mg hasn't really hit the spot ,my hips sing me a regular song while knees do a descant in the background .
I put washing out .It's horizontal and flapping in your direction Lofty .Watch out for my blue shift :).
Poor Lottie and shaney.

Lottie that avatar is my one on Twitter!

3 loads of washing dried (naturally) and ironed and put away. Only non iron left to dry on line.

BiL has gone to see his heart specialist today so am sitting here hoping against hope that they have reassured him and that he is brighter, will find out later.
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A'noon degenerates...<<<slam!!>>>...oops, sorry, it's tearing gales here too, I'm fed up of hearing it howl down the chimbley.
Sorry to hear you're crumbling Lottie, keep taking the tablets. I think I must have an arthritic brain, it aches more often than not. I've been almost inactive for three bloomin days.

Ohh, I bet you were spectacular neti. I wonder if your pic's up on all the Ibiza offices with 'Beware, you won't like this woman when she's angry'.

Well done shaney, there are far too many self appointed Grandes Fromages around...

Oh joy of joys, Reader's digest are giving me £100,000. Must be a scam tho' there's not one mention of Tom Champagne.
I've just schlepped out and in again get Mr S a bottle and it' s awful out there.
Loads of debris from the trees as I lurched across the park .Blacking up out there now and had to get washing in pdq.
Funny weather ,it's quite warm in spite of the howling wind .
I think I'll have nip out of that bottle :)
Fingers crossed. Mr N is out doing estimates for 3 good jobs, hopefully he will get them!
Woofy, thoughts and prayers are with you x
Morning all, off to dentist again this am. Hope all your aches and pains are easing!
Morning - not quite so windy here today, thank goodness!! Washing stayed on line yesterday though.

Thoughts are with you Woofy - wishing you strength and peace. Hugs xxxx
Forgot to ask Nets - did Mr Nets get the jobs?
Two new bathrooms accepted yesterday and he's seeing another one today so that is better news. I may get my allowance back! Off now to dentist.
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Morning each...grey, drizzly & very windy here which is a shame because it's otherwise mild.

I've been doing some medical research, I'll soon be qualified to dish out the 600mg :o). Did you know IBS is linked with oestrogen? (So it's possibly a reason why mine's worse since the hrt went). I now remember in the dim and distant past how I got the runs on the first day of a period. Coupled with the headaches it's the thing that gets me down the most, the screaming joints I'll put up with. I haven't got a headache at the moment, sssshhhh.....

Good luck at the dentist neti and good luck to Mr N, if you have an allowance we can all be entertained by your secret shopping capers.

Thinking of the woofies x
My IBS/or maybe Diverticulitis is giving me trouble permanently Robi and it makes me so tired. I remember too the dreadful problems with it at period time, especially when I was young.

What crocks we are!!!
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Do any of you have those little yoghurty drink thingies with the acidoffibiddies in them? Or are they just a gimmick?
I did try them, but they made no difference. Actually, it is cheaper to buy the tablets containing it in Holland and Barretts. Doctors sometimes recommend them.

And you can now buy Butchers dog food with actobiddiesbodies in it recommended for colitis - so you might want to try that too
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hahaha, lol Lottie, that could be just what I need. I sometimes think they put more research into animal remedies, we were told by a vet many years before the yoghurt craze to give it to our dog for an upset tum.
Morning folks
I drink those little yogurty things sometimes .I can't see what good they do but they're quite tasty .I've got the gripes today .Too much green stuff .
Dull here and still blowing a gale .Not cold though .You don't know what to put on .
My neighbour wants a hot roast pork baquette from the butcher and now Mr S. wants a hot beef one so I'd better wend my weary way shortly or there'll be a queue.
Hope you are all KBO'ing though and thinking of you both Woofy xx

Take care all,see you later .

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