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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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Evening each. At last I've made it. I've been so busy here and there. Had a great day in Llandudno on Wednesday. The wind was a bit blustery to say the least but it didn't rain until we were on the coach coming home and the sun shone all day.
Yesterday I spent in Nottingham with a friend who lived next door to me. She left about 20 years ago and we have kept in touch since. We didn't look round the shops just good look at Nottingham. The Old Market Square etc.which is now totally modernised we had some stops for coffee, food and a good chat. I also had to find my way from The Coach Park to The Arena for next Tuesday when I go to see Dylan and Knopfler. My plumber is going to fetch me home when it is finished. Bless him. Today I had to catch up with some shopping and sort out all my Photos I've taken from my phone and my camera. So that's my last 3 days. Oh yes and tonight I'm going to watch England play footie.
I don't think I'll be dreaming tonight I'm too tired. (happily tired though)

Reading about your nightmares and bad dreams brought some memories for me. I have had phases where I have woken up knowing I've been dreaming something terrible and I've been screaming. Well at least, I was in my dreams. So you have my sympathy LOTTIE! I don't think mine were as bad as yours.
Anyway I hope you all have a peaceful night. Haven't forgotten you and you were mentioned on my days out, truly.
And Woofy and Mr W, special thoughts too x

See you all tommorow!
Yes woofie, always thinking of you two!
I think the clocks go back on the 30th Neti .
Then it's the long winter haul 'til they go forward again ..and it's very wintery here this evening .
Just seen my child off clutching his pie but he brought a bottle of wine for us .
Chateau Neuf de Bahndampf as Mr S calls it.

Yoohoo Jude .You have been a busy Biddy .Glad you enjoyed your day out .I expect the whole coach party are now hooked on Baileys Lattes :)

You have far more patience than me with sewing Neti .I'd have chucked it all across the room after the first knot ..Lol.
Yes my middle bros wife is half chinese /british or possibly american,she doesn't know :) They married when he was in the army in Hong Kong .She's 74 now and a tiny little woman .But she's lovely .
Well I'm off to bed .It's cold here and I'm not putting the heating on .I've got a tartan blanket ..haha
Goodnight folks .Sleep well and hopefully sweet dreams .
Still thinking of you Woofy old friend .xx
A tired Lottie wishes you all a peaceful night - with special thoughts of Woofie xxx
bit parky here but will hold off on the electric blanket a bit longer if I can. We did put it on a month ago, but then it got warm again so we were sweltering (it is an overblanket) and had to fold it up and shove it back in the ottoman. GF stayed last night and invited us over to her family's for Christmas, so that's nice - they're lovely people. jno jnr is here tonight as he is playing rugby for his old boys team tomorrow, but only the one night so not enough time to paint the hall.

Best wishes to all, including woffy if she is around.
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Morning all...(lol @ jno's 'woffy'....we're always thinking of them both)
When jno jnr's done your hall can he pop over and do mine please?

Yo Jude, glad you weren't blown out to sea. Notting'am int worrit used ta be is it mi duck? Berrit's a bit rough up Goose Fair this weekend. :o)
Enjoy the footy!

I like sewing and I shortened a valance in situ on my old bed, it was too much of a faff to get it off from underneath the mattress. Erm, by hand I mean, I didn't put the machine on castors & move it along. I sometimes wish I'd got into fashion or been a tailor.

Dull, damp & grey here....yes, and so is the weather. I'm resisting putting the heating on too, I'm trying to find a way of harnessing the energy from hot flushes.
Hi all. Been busy and it's pouring with rain!

I dislike those under the mattress valances Robi, as the mattresses move and then they go all messy and lopsided. (we have wooden slats on the bed base not divans).

I think my sewing machine disliked the cheap cotten thread so went to buy some Coates but shop is shut!

Sat outside for coffee with friends doing the GK crossword but the skies opened up and we had to race to another cafe before the hoi poloi. Finished it now at home.

My dad was a master tailor and was horrified by my cobblings, but hey if they get the job done and look OK then that's fine by me!
well, I can, but his tastes in colour are rather modern

Apologies for fat finger typing, it's started since I got this new keyboard with the new computer. I should probably have kept the old one, if only to whip up a nice batch of biscuits from the crumbs inside it.
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eek! my beautiful home's had a 60 minute makeover :o/

Anyone fancy the stormtrooper look? haha, I can't stop laughing...

10% off this weekend...knock yourselves out
I have a box pleated valance round the marital bed, I sewed a length (jolly long length) top and bottom, then pleated it and attached to to just under the mattress, as we have a wooden bed frame, looks really nice and does not move, but hides all dust, rubbish and whatever else is under there!
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haven't you got a four poster with drapes to keep all the livestock out neti?
Eek, shock horror, Robi, can you imagine the creepie crawlies that would hide in the curtain folds, I think of that everytime I see a curtained 4-poster. I like minimal!
I reckon you have a little Gecko hiding somewhere under that lot Neti :)
I can't be faffing with valances and stuff .Too much hard work . We have plain beds that you can vacuum under .I don't like clutter in bedrooms .
I do have clutter elsewhere though ,lots of .
And guess what they had in the Telegraph today ..... a booklet on sewing by Cath Kidston ....just what I needed :)
Bit chilly here and we put the heating on to warm the place through a bit .
Turned it off now though .
I loathe central heating ,it dries you up inside and out .
I noticed a headline on one of the papers in the newsagent this morning. Minus 20°C soon they reckon and Arctic blasts ....hmmm

I'd better have a look round Harrods for some thermal vests ;-)
if you suspect there are geckos about just leave them there, don't go investigating
We get many a gecko in the house and I scream and refuse to enter until said offender has been despatched preferable alive|

Brrr, have now got on leggings, new primark bootee slippers and a big t-shirt, love it!
Temps gone down to 18º
18°C Neti ..That's warm .Freddie the Frog ,my window thermometer say it's 11°C at the moment .Brrr.
I've got spicy Chai and a tstd teacake :)
Stil ploughing through the crosswords.
Mr S. is watching the Miranda DVD I bought him .
I need a few things from the shops really ,eggs,whisky,Creme de la Mer etc.but I'm not going out .Far too chilly pour moi .
How shallow am I, just been changed from contract to payg on phone and am feeling so lost without it (I have laptop and desktop still) still it's all for the common good!

we are going to have chicken sausages, brocolli cheese and chips for dinner.
Very nice too Neti ..don't feel shallow ..I'd be lost without certain luxuries too.
It was dreadful when I had to give up drinking Laphroaig and downsize to Jamesons ;-)
Steak for us with corn on the cob ,salad and jacket potato. Loaded with chs and butter :)
steak... corn on the cob... sob... it must be wonderful to have teeth. More pasta for me, maybe with gecko bolognaise. Hopefully my gum will be okay and I can resume normalish eating in another day or two.

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