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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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I've found just the thing .
It'll go with the coat ..

These juniors are a trial at times Jno ..I have to make a pie tomorrow (sausage ,bacon and egg )for Picky to pick up .
I must need my head tested .
Have a nice evening you lovely people ..good on the tele tonight
Mixed Race Britain .
Interesting for me because I have a mixed race (Eurasian) SiL... shock and of course the Gene Genie in Hidden .Could be good .
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haha, tres chic shaney...when they all have cubs I'll have one :o)

You'll jolly well have the hat & wear it Lottie, everywhere I go on tinter there's a pop up for zalandro shoes now!!
autumn??? it's boiling here, fed up with it. Got all hija's and amigo's clothes washed and his ironed (I know I know, I like to be needed!) Cooked spag bol cos that all I could be bothered with, finished off with the chewy flapjack, love it!

Poor jno with a fat face!

shaney I love those boots, esp the 2nd pair and I bought some brown uggs like that before I went to England, I thought that at 19€ they were as cheap, and didn't have to lug them over.

I am missing hija, strange cos she drives me to murder some days. She'll be back next week.
In Primark I bought a knitted headband, about 3" wide with a knitted flower on, it looks amazing on and will keep the ears warm when necessary. Am going to try to knit myself a brown one. Just seems to be 2purl 2plain, so may have a bash!
Yes I love my Uggy slippers Neti .My old pair had seen better days so thought it was time to buy a new pair .I like to keep my legs warm !
It's not too bad here .Not cold enough to put the heating on just yet but a bit draughty up the lokes .Have had to put a fleece top on .

We've just had jackets ,chs and beans and salad with more chs .
These spuds ( Saxon variety )from the Farmers market are delicious .
I've never seen them in the shops .

Lol Robinia ..I keep getting Asos ...hahaa.
This is nice Neti and easy to knit
Yes that's it shaney but what a complicated pattern, increasing on middle stitch? hmmm, I'll keep it all the same width round and then gather it with stitches and then on bung a knitted flower, (if I can ever do that). Thought that was going to be easy. At £1.90 I would have bought another!! I will endeavour, and let you see the result!!
p.s. I have one of those purple hats, my sister sent it over last Xmas along with a purple stole/wrap thing, haven't worn the hat yet!
It would drive me mad having a knitted headbound around my head!!
I am going to bed shortly. If I have yet another night full of nightmares and night terrors I am going to the doctors. It is no joke. They are getting worse and last night's were the worst I have experienced. I lay in bed afterwards seriously thinking I must be going mad.

I am almost frightened to go to bed!!

Sleep tight the rest of you and thanks for your company today. I enjoy the spending spree!!

Love to the Woofies xxxx
Well ....we've had the law at the door .
Apparently someone decided to go on a tyre slashing spree round here yesterday and about 80 cars parked up around had their tyres slashed .
Lots of the students park opposite here .
"It wasn't me officer " I said as I batted my eyelashes at the dishy policeman:)
Yobs with nothing better to do I suppose . Senseless idiots .

I'm orf to bed .I hope you have a better night Lofty .Could these dreams be a side effect of some medication you are on at all ?

If you can't do it Neti but would like it I'll knit it for you .

Goodnight folks ..sleep tight .
Woofy xx
oh Lottie, I had one of those dreams where I keep dreaming I'm dreaming and then I dream I wake up and I'm in the wrong house and I dream I just lie there in terror till I dream I fall asleep again, then I dream I wake up and it starts over... Such a relief when I really really do wake up.

As usual it was because I was too hot; throw a blanket off and I'm fine.

Shaney gets ready for a night on the town
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Morning all <shiver>...not so many hot moments last night! Did you have a thunderstorm? Wild winds? B movie rain? What a night! I could hear people's bins bowling over, car alarms were going off...I hardly dared look out this morning, thought I might find a pile of uprooted biddies in my garden.

Ooh, the law at the door shaney... at least they didn't arrive at 1.30am like they did here. I'm not looking my best at that hour & I wish I'd had time to put some lippy on before I opened the door in me Janet Reger :o)

I hate bad dreams because they set the mood for the day. My most recurring are more panicky than actual horror & often those where I'm trying to put the light on & no matter how many times I switch it doesn't come on (must be harking back to a bob in the meter days)... or someone's trying to get in the house & they get to every window & door before I do. We had a bl00dy window cleaner like that that. :o)
Sometimes I can tell myself in my sleep that it's only a dream & I wake up but it doesn't always work.

Right, go easy on the shopping today d'ya hear? Earn your stay on here & get out there & answer some serious questions. I expect to see you've done at least 50 each by lunchtime.
Morning folks
Wild and windy here too but not raining .Very chilly though .I think it's time to bring out the Berghaus .
I don't have bad dreams very often .In fact I never remember what I dream about really .It must be horrible to have night terrors like that .
No shopping today .I just need to go and get the paper for Mr S and I'm in for the day .
Yes Okey dokey Robinia ........I've just answered a Q :)
Hi Biddies,

Chilly here but was nice and sunny after raining last night. However, it's clouding over quite a lot now.

No nightmares last night. Vivid dreams, but not horrid night terrors. jno, I know just what you mean about these dreams. I try my hardest to stay awake when they wake me up but keep drifting back into the same dream. I know I am dreaming too. Just horrible.

Robi, I often have those dreams where I am turning on lights and they just don't come on. Quite disturbing.

No dishy policemen came to see me last night :o( - not even in my dreams.

My jacket turned up this morning and - guess what - I really like it. It won't keep me warm in any way, but it looks nice. Now puzzling what to wear with my hat when it arrives! I got loads of coats out of a cupboard last night. The ones from the 80's are absolutely huge on me, but I certainly am not any slimmer. We must have worn big baggy clothes a lot back then. I also found my very smart Next coat - classic Navy blue - double breasted and mid calf length and that fits. I bought that in the 80's -size 14 and it fits????? I can't see that I will ever need a smart coat like that ever again, but can't bring myself to dispose of it.

Now I need a 3/4 coat with a fur collar in dark grey to go with the hat and gloves. No more on line shopping for me for a while!!

Went to the garden centre this morning and had tea and a delicious date slice.

Now going to hoover :o(

Hello all, where has the day gone? Bought a couple of valance sheets in England but your beds are higher than ours so I decided to shorten them with my machine. Damn thing, it wouldn't work, so I had to rewire the plug, fine, then it all bunched up at he back of the sewing, messed around with tensions and finally and messily did one of the sheets, not my best effort but ok, second one a disaster, machine conked out (tension) 1/4 of the way round. I fiddled and kicked it and nothing would get it to untighten itself, so decided to do it by hand. Blumming 'eck it is long and getting longer, have given up 3/4 of the way round, will try machine again tomorrow, am totally fed up with it. Wish I had kept my little hand Singer, it never let me down!

Thanks for offer of knitting shaney but I am going to conquer and win. Will do a 3" approx strip of ribbing (2x2) til it's long enough and then sew it.

Hija and amigo came up for his laundry, she was very sharp but he thanked me nicely. Have tried to cancel my mobile phone contract, which involved me digging out the fax machine from under the bed, plugging it all round the house until I found that it worked in the kitchen, and hopefully sent Vodafone a fax which they will deny! I shall miss my mobile internet but it is an unnecessary luxury.

Mr N has said that whenever either sister needs me I must go to them and then added , that I could go now if it would help them!! He means it'll be cheaper here without me, cheek!!!
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...and Mr N also means he won't fear for his life everytime he plugs something in :o)

I had some 80's jackets that swamped me, I must have looked like a child who'd been in the dressing up box :o)
Shaney my nephew is Eurasian and gorgeous looking, he only has two sons and no daughters which is a shame as they are stunning looking, although the eldest boy is a geek, he's the one at uni wanting to be a scientist.

Oh it's clouding over, and only 25º, yay, get my boots out!!
wouldn't these be a bit easier, neti?

jno that would have been a better solution, I never thought of it! Anyway I have now finished off the sheet by hand, cannot abide leaving things til mañana. Big sis phoned me as I sent her one of those blk/white scarfs (only took two days) that I wear and she was delighted, feels well and full of energy. She had 2 new sofas delivered today. Other sis is taking her to a 40's night with 40's food (don't much fancy that) and dancing to 40's music, would love to be there! Nights are drawing in, when do we change the clocks, same date as you do? Can't wait!

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