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Help with sign in to AB

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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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Here you are Lofty
Amazon had some nice cloches too but I can't find them atm
I forgot I do have a faux fur cossack hat and I do wear that occasionally.
Nice links Shaney. I love those 20's cloche hats but I would look awful in them!!

And yes the purple one is lovely.
Oooh I like the Downton one!
What I want is another couple of those scarves .Do you remember the one I bought off the guy in Norwich ? Sort of a rust colour patterned pashmina type thing .I wore and wore it to death last year .
I may have to go over the bridge to the market .
And now ordered these in grey!!
Oh dear Shaney. Better not go online shopping again with you. Look what you have made me do!!
We better go scarf shopping again soon in Norwich then!!

(Another italian meal!!!)
Yes that's rather nice .I'm tempted myself but in black .I think they're the in hat this winter .
Thing is I like to try something like that on or it's too much hassle sending it back etc and I doubt they have it in our titchy Marks .
Tut .........decisions, decisions .
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oooph, can't get the door open for all these clodhoppers everywhere...are you expecting arctic conditions ladies? With my newly gained central heating I'll probably be floating round in kaftans and flip flops all can have my hat

well, they just better be faux, that's all

Lol..I doubt they'll let us in there again Lofty .
They are getting very used to me in Fakenham Post office with my returns!!!

I'll pass on that hat thanks, Robi.

jno has just reminded me - I already have a hat just like this!!!
Heating is now getting switched on!!!!

See you later

and I've just put a second pair of socks on. Plus jno jnr's girlfriend is coming to stay the night so I suppose I should have yesterday's shower before she arrives. jno jnr himself is coming tomorrow night, but she'll be gone again by then.

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