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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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Made a corn beef hash flan, then lay by the pool and actually swam (first time in Oct as pool usually too cold) it was lovely. Had a little weep for my sister, then showered off and am resting on bed. It is still hot but not quite so sticky thank heavens.
I am back from being out and now I am going out again
Hi folks
Much cooler today .
Nothing doing at Shaneytowers apart from nearly dumping my washing in the wheelie and putting the carrier with rubbish in the machine .

Have been passed around again from secretary to secretary at the surgery and the hospital who will all ring back but never do hence I've caught Jno's grumpiness and I don't even have any toothie probs .

You have a good weep Neti ,let it out pet .I weep quite a lot lately .

Take care folks ..see you later .
Hi All. Yes Neti like Shaney saysxlet it out whenever. I can't imagine how you feel escept to say it must be so upsetting. I have certain things in my family life that when they come into my mind it makes me cry.

Today's weather hasn't been so bad here and ended up quite warm tomorrow isn't promising but the forecast heavy rain for Llandudno has changed to light rain so I'm hoping it will be passing over for us.

What yer doing Annie - yer in yer out are you shakin it all about!!

I've given up adding the sotd Shaney. I just enjoy watching the youngsters trying hard to win. Well if I must admit it I only got 1 again ha ha!

I going to QI in a bit in Dave unless I've seen it then it will be switched off and back to the radio in bed.
Special thoughts for Mr and Mrs W.
Have a good night all see yer later 'gater(s)
Who's this Annie person? ;o)

Have just come in after going out again, this time for a Thai Meal at friend's restaurant. A busy day, and am now going to bed.

Shaney you must be so frustrated, both you and Mr Shaney.

Sleep tight Biddies.

(I am not going out tomorrow!!)

Have a lovely day tomorrow Jude .Hope the weather is kind to you .
I haven't been keeping up with UC either really .Been watching that Little England programme .
Just watched the final of the Bake Off .Very good .I'm pleased Jo won it .
Such a nice girl and really good at baking .Some people are very clever .
I can just about turn out a passable Vicky Sponge but some of the stuff they baked was brilliant .I wouldn't have the patience .
Then the Hairys with their Meals on Wheels .Very entertaining .I shruck with laughter when Anne Widdecombe asked Gladys ( an 86 year old volunteer) for the name of her face cream and Camilla was there . She's very charming I've never really seen her talking like that to people .You usually only get the odd word or sentence here or there with the Royals on teevee at functions She has a wonderful deep plummy voice .Probably all those fags .....haha .
Have a Goodnight folks .
Morning each and every!

I have decided that I have too much time on my hands. I want to go out, and in and out again, but there's nothing to do here much that is free. When it cools down a bit more I shall walk!

Was just opening the bedroom curtains when I saw a strange white thing on the gatepost, so teetered down the land (it is very rocky and stoney) and there was a parcel and letters there, the postwoman obviously could not be bothered to open the gate. Luckily I saw it before the beggars in the front house did as they would probably have purloined it!

Off to see Veronica my dentist.
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Morning each...
Well, I had a wild night with Gary Barlow, Robbie and Julio Iglesias but obviously the dream fairy misread the script, tut.... Enrique next time please....fantasies may as well be fantastic.

There are far too many secretaries these days shaney, gone are the days when there was one (usually efficient) one. Now there are at least 3 to every desk, all hair and long square nails, beggerin about on their computers. Go down & swing ya handbag at 'em. :o)

Keep your chin up neti, have you found a hidey hole for all that shopping?
I see snakeprint's the in thing this season. I do like it but I'd better not overdo it, I might find someone grabbing me by the neck & stuffing me into a sack.
Good morning.

Well Robi, I wish I had been with you in your dreams. I had a dreadful night. A taxi arrived to take Mr LL to prison and it was Christmas Eve. Mr LL was packing the whole contents of his wardrobe and chest of drawers and told me he would be back when he consider the time was right!!! Also I was really upset that my Dad was coming for Christmas Day and all I had bought him was a paperback recipe book. There were also lots of other nasty things going on.

I am going back to bad shortly to get some proper sleep - I feel shattered. I am ordering a dream where Daniel Craig is involved, but Robbie and Gary Barlow wouldn't go amiss!!

My back filling with a bit of tooth on it is disintigrating!!!
Oh dear, I think I am better off going out. I saw this in M&C yesterday, but not in my size, so have ordered it on line!!

I am in a dark blue/grey mood for this autumn!!
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sorry Lottie, there's no room for other women in my dreams :o) I'll be seeing Robbie in a whole new light from now on...I've always like Gary.

Lovely coat...I have to say that 'cos I've got one very similar. There are some nice long cardies on there.
btw, did you know M&S started a sale yesterday? Nothing I like is reduced though.
Robi, I have got one very similar as well in Khaki. But it's not lined and just cotton. Ok for summer. This one will be warmer and OK with a sweater underneath for autumn/perhaps winter and Russian Cruises. The coat has a slight sheen to it and is a really nice colour in real life!!

I looked round our M@C sale. Just annoying that the poncho I bought (and all other knitwear) has been reduced by 20%. Yes there are some nice long cardis!!
don't think I deamed of anything last night, the cat kept waking me, she has more of a life than I do, in ; out, in, out!

Nice parka Lottie, but I thought you had just bought a new one, can't keep up with you lot! Mind you if I lived in England I would be buying so many clothes all the time, it is so cheap. At mo am trying to save up 150€ to cancel my vodafone contract as I cannot afford the monthly bill anymore. Why Mr N didn't tell me before is beyond me, I could have sorted it before I spent all my pension. He's attempting to mend the 3 piece suite which sags in all the seats. I brought the webbing back from England.

Dentist told me off for not flossing inbetween the false tooth, well I was scared that I would dislodge it, so now have toothpick brushy things and gel to poke about with. Back to dentist next week.
Just called sister and BiL is getting orse, now says he's paralysed and can't feed himself, she's treating hm like a child now and having no nonsense. He sees heart specialist next Monday, but he is not well enough for an op yet, just getting worse and worse in his head! I really have nothing to moan about.
Here you go Robi - waste a few hours shopping!!
Oh dear Neti. Life is not hunky dory for you at the moment is it. You have my sympathy. You really do. It's no fun being broke and we have been there on many occasion - not in recent years though - but when Mr LL retires things won't be that easy!! (which is why our land sale (which has still not been completed grrrrrrrr) is so vital to us.

So sad about your BiL and for your sister too (both of them)

Nets - I sent the last two coats I ordered back. Didn't like either of them. I saw this one in an actual shop so know I like it - but it will probably look awful on a somewhat overweight 60+ female with no waist!!!!
Is your sister in touch with the doctor about your BiL's state of mind. It could be something simple like a kidney infection?
Lottie he is under so many different doctors that no one knows all the probs. I've told her to go to his GP and tell him all of what is happening, but she is pinning her hopes on seeing the heart specialist on Monday. He has undiagnosed Parkinsons, and his heartpills are not to be given if the patient has Parkinsons! There's one doc for diabetis, one for his manky toe, one for his breathing, it's all too spread out I think. So we'll have to wait til Monday and hope she explains it all and gets it sorted. Have to say it is very very difficult to get him out and into the car.

Don't waste sympathy on me, I have no real probs I'm just a moaner.
Could your sis just not get in touch with his GP, rather than one of the specialists and discuss the issue of the muddled head. It could be as simple as a urine test and a course of antibiotics. Catheters almost always cause infections!!
Lottie, that is what I suggested to her, but there is always some excuse, I would be down there first thing and insisting on getting him seen to, but she's not like me in that matter. It's cos he now has a new doctor cos his old one is on the first floor and he cannot get there (it's an old building) but I cannot understand how a wheelchairbound person can't get to see a doctor, and she reckons that the new doctor won't understand, I just don't get it, he would have all the notes and she's got a voice. Still I can't do much from here.

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