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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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So sorry about your Sis Neti.
Hope you Implant goes ok tomorrow Jno. I'd love them but don't think I could stand the pain.
Sunday Skeleton beat me totally Shaney I bet you finished it. I'll say well done however many clues you solved I did about 5. I had to consult Brian.
Really enjoyed Merlin have reminded myself to see next weeks episode. I guess it was abit frightening for youngsters.
It's now raining over here. I'm sitting in the4 kitchen with the light on listening toi Elvis singing Blue Moon of Kentucky.

My NF is coming round in a bit so I'll say Goodnight to you All. I hope tomorrow is a good day for everybiddyl. I'm doing my usual school bit and not much else I
See yer later 'gater(s)
Very lazy day here, goodnight all xx
Morning all. Just to let you know that everything isn't all bad. The district nurses have sorted out DH's meds into a syringe driver that sits under his clothes and gets refilled daily. The effect has been amazing, pain controlled and appetite restored. The doc thinks that chemo will help to keep him here and happy for a bit longer so that is planned to start next week. Its a low side effect recipe. Thinking of you and your Sis Neti and hoping that the rest of you are all keeping well, especially Robi and Mr S.
that's good news, woofgang - I hope it all goes well.
Morning woofy, that is pleasing news,

Morning jno and all others.

Mr N has bought a new printer, so I am just hoping that it is easy to install.
Hello Woofy. Thank you for taking the time to come and tell us how you and Mr W are getting on. I am pleased he is having an easier time than before with the help of the D. Nurses. I think about you every day,
Take care J.x
Morning all Biddyfriends. That drop of rain last night was welcomed by me. The sun has now come out and I think it's going to be a lovely day. I'm off to Llandudno on Wednesday and the forecast says rain all day. Never mind I have my new Waterproof Jacket with the hood to take with me don't I !! It would be better though if it didn't rain then. Have a good day whatever you are doing...see yer later 'gater(s)
Hi Biddies, and a special hi to our Woofie.

That is some nice news Woof. Will mean that you can really enjoy your time together without Mr Woof suffering. Quality of life is so important. Bless you both xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I hated all that heat and sun over the weekend and ended up with the trots!! Cooler this morning and we just had a few spots of rain, although it's still bright and more sun is forecast. I can cope with 22 degrees, but 30 doesn't rock my boat.

Good luck with the implant today jno!!

Am going to sort some washing out, tidy round a bit and attempt to go and do something in the garden.
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Morning all..
What lovely news woofy, I hope Mr w regains some strength pdq, the new chemo regimes are so much better on the system. Don't forget to look after yourself. x

Is it implant day jno? Good luck!

Yes it's a nice fresh morning and after a short shower last night it smells autumnal so Lottie will be happy. :o) I do know what you mean though Lottie, I like autumn when it's the right kind of weather but apparently we're going to be blasted with the end of another hurricaine this week. Sitting here watching cherry leaves fluttering down (& the robinia too), it always seems sad to me. (grrrr, just spotted the bloomin white killer cat on the prowl)

Well no sleep for me last night, up for most of it with the ole IBS again, and now I feel chewed up & spat out, tut. I don't think any food in particular sets it off, more likely to be the weather. I think it's time to turn to 'eye of bat & leg of toad' type remedies.

Enjoy Llanduddy Jude, I've been once in the pouring rain and once in sunshine with 80C...the little old welsh ladies there are grumpy whatever the weather. :o) Funnily the little old welsh ladies I've met here have been lovely.
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oooh, snap Lottie (with the tum), you weren't here when I arrived, I got distracted staring out at the garden.
Hi Robi (I'm just back from another flying visit to the Loo. Obviously still having problems - I feel tired out!!)

Went up to bed last night to be confronted with this!!

I wouldn't be without the pair of them, but they do take advantage of us!!
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ooh, they're so sweet! :o) Charlie didn't like being on the bed, too wobbly underfoot on a duvet I think...just as well really, he snored and f4rted for England :o) He loved this time of yearthough & spent hours scuffling about in the leaves.
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*maybe I should have said nudgescuffling about? ...seems to be the topic du jour again...<rolls eyes>
right, had flu jab , now just two hours of implantology to go <sigh>. It's just day 1 involving two on one side, which will give me something to eat on (I hope), possibly even before Christmas depending on bone grafts etc. I'll leave the other side until my funds have built up again, next year sometime, all being well.

Still nice and warm here in the sultry south, but only a day or two to go before it all goes avocado-shaped, no doubt.

Good wishes to everyone who isn't going to be at the dentists today.
Ha ha Robinia. Dear little Charlie snoring and farting!!!

It's the way that both Meg and Alice went into the submissive position on their backs when I caught them. I think Meg gets a bit embarrassed when she is caught being mates with 'a cat'!!
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Meg: "Don't come any closer, don't lick me and don't mew in my ear in the morning"
Alice: "Ok, love you. Nite."


Two hours at the dentist jno?! :o(
Want to borrow the biddy bike?,s:0&biw=1024&bih=588
Ah Robi, that is just so sweet!!
You and I could do with that bike Robi!! :o)
Oh lottie, I opened your links with tredidation, expecting to see a rather lrge black spider, so relieved! Yes Mousey is starting to come to sleep with us again but I fear she is incontinent (or it may be Mr N) cos when I came back from hols I changed the bed and there was a (smelly) stain on the mattress cover. Soon will want to put on the quilted cover for winter but if either of them pee then it has to go to cleaners as washing machine is too small:

said cat on foot of my side of bed!

(Hopefully this is the right piccy, had to go by the nos!)
excuse the typos!

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