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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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I just want a designer handbag and that lovely faux fur coat in M&Co but I suppose I'll have to make do with me full full length faux leopardskin :)
Too warm to wear it today though and very windy up the lokes !
I may splosh some dosh ......I need a new hairbrush .

I like that parka coat Lofty .Similar to the one I bought in Debs .
No secretarys have rung back .Too busy chatting probably .I'm getting ever so slightly annoyed now and have permanent steam coming out me ears .
Yes Neti ..these catheter doings can cause infection .As seen by Mr S.
Of course he doesn't have the other probs your poor BiL has but it's worth your sister mentioning to the GP.
My solution to lifes trials and tribulations is a drink which I am now indulging in .
It's called whisky ..the water of life :)
It certainly livens me up . "Just the one "...haha... I'll be sozzled shortly over the bubble and beans .
Hope you're all toddling along .
Love to you all especially our dear old mate Woofy xx
Nets, She could ask for a sample bottle from the GP, and get an urine sample from your BiL and ask them to test it for infection. She should ring them. I know how you feel - it's so frustrating when you know what you would do in the situation.

Shaney, Is your leopardskin coat windproof? That's what I need today. Mind you it's a very warm wind!!! It's much windier here than it is where you are, mainly due to that lovely Thai meal last night!!!

Love from me to to the Woofies. Always thinking of you both xxxxx
PS That faux fur coat in M&C is rather tempting!!!
evening all; sorry to hear about your bil's tribulations, neti - I'd be hammering on my GP's door in their position, but I suppose it's up to them.

I still look as if I have a tennis ball in my mouth - all those cartoons I used to see as a child, when people came back from the dentist with swollen faces - I never did understand them; it's the first time I can remember that it's happened to me. But I suppose you can't put in a row of fence posts without disturbing the ground.

Faux fur? Well, I don't know

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Shoes! <squeals>
haha, have you seen the advert, it makes me laugh every time?

And back off you two, I like the fur coat! In fact I want all things fur trimmed this winter...I'm stitching some round the legs of me drawers as we speak.

Oh dear neti, your sister needs a lesson or two on how to be a biddy battle axe.
If it isn't an infection I'd say it sounds like he's in a state of high anxiety, as I said before fear does awful things to your mind. And if he has Parkinson's he may well feel as though he's paralyzed & panicking is going to make it worse. It's terrible the way no one sees the person's problems as a whole these days, you're constantly divided into different departments with no communication between them. Hope they have some help soon.

I've got a bra like that, I wear it over my libby in winter.
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ooh if only I was 10 yrs younger (shut it!) I'd order these and pray for snow...
Oh go on Robinia .....flash the cash . They'll look great with yer leopardskin bra .
We need to keep the economy going :)
I'll be keeping the dentist going soon, with the bit of back tooth that's just broken off .It's been hanging by a thread for years.
I knew I shouldn't have eaten that crunchie bar . It's only a sliver so until it starts to play up .....
I'm sure Jno has a dental voodoo doll and keeps sticking pins in it :)
good grief, robi, you don't want those in the snow, how would the St Bernards be able to find you? You'll have to provide your own Pimms

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oh I'm single handedly propping up the economy shaney...
it's my right hand - click, click, clickety click....

I would have given anything for those wellies when I was a gal jno...they'd have been perfect with my fruit print may remember, it was the one my mum said I couldn't go out in & when I protested she threw the clothes brush at me & it hit me on the head (she liked us dressed up to go out).

I like the idea of white snow you'd look like you were hovering :o)
heaven forbid anyone should think I do any hoovering... oh, hovering, well, that's alright, like Yogic flying.

Goodness, is it quarter past seven already? Must be, the postman's just been.
I like those wellies but need to be flat heeled. I had a creamy/white pair years ago and they were jolly comfy, but not to be seen in the shops anymore. I just want cold weather!!
Made some deliciously chewy flapjacks, very nice but can only eat one at a time, rather sweet!
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Morning all...if it's cold weather you want neti it's chilly here today, not even into double figures yet, I'd better sew some fur around my new tea towel ;o)

I love flapjack as long as it's soft, whenever I've made it it turns out chewy. I used to buy cheap muesli - the stuff that looks like the bottom of a budgie's cage - and converted it into flapjack & the boys loved it. haha, luckily they weren't picky.

Calling all matrons...Apart from diabetes are there any conditions which make you thirsty? It starts about 7pm...and I've been craving lemonade & I don't normally drink fizzies. P'raps I should just throw a brandy in with it and enjoy.
well, one site suggests possible causes:

A recent salty or spicy meal
Bleeding enough to cause a significant decrease in blood volume
Diabetes insipidus
Drugs such as anticholinergics, demeclocycline, diuretics, phenothiazines
Excessive loss of water and salt (possibly due to not drinking enough water, profuse sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting)
Loss of body fluids from the bloodstream into the tissues due to:
Conditions such as severe infections (sepsis) or burns
Heart, liver, or kidney failure
Psychogenic polydipsia, the result of a mental disorder

Polydipsia, that sounds like me, dipsy to the core.

It suggests the best response to thirst is to drink plenty of liquids. It doesn't say brandy is excluded, so I'd go ahead.
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oh merci beaucoup...I think it'll be all of those. Maybe <says she, sticking her head firmly into the sand> it's the hot moments which are causing a greater fluid loss than they seem to. I don't really seem to sweat a lot, I just feel hot.

Oh, hang on, looks like I've got it sussed...

•Sensory osmoreceptors in the lamina terminalis and other areas of the brain stimulate cortical effector regions, principally in the anterior cingulate cortex and insula, to trigger the sensation of thirst in response to a rise in blood osmolality.

Of course, why didn't I think of that?
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btw jno, how's the jawline today?

(thought I'd keep up with the wildlife theme appearing in some newspapers today apparently)
I can't take much more of this osmolality... another ibuprofen due, I think.
Hiya Girls.

Been for a nice walk with dog in cool breezy weather - quite bright and sunny though. So glad the heat has gone.

Robi, IBS and upset stomachs make me thirsty and also give me cravings for salty crisps.

Hope your mouth seetles down soon jno. Pain in the mouth is awful - it's just so 'in your face' all the time - you can't escape it!
Morning or not!

Same old same old here, very warm still, hija came home with Javi the boyfriend, must say he's jolly nice, from Galicia. So now I'm doing his washing (he wears rather a lot of pink!!) They've gone off to his holiday apartment for a couple of days. It's near the airport and they have stopped partying!
Hmmm ..yes ,that's a real medical mystery Robinia .Have the large brandy ,moniter the situation and report back if you're not too sozzled and I'll give you a prescripton for another bottle .
Bright and breezy here today and a tad chilly .
Same old .Been to Library ,bakers and bought some boots .
Have coffee ,a toasted teacake with jam and Speccie crossword .Happy bunny for a while .
Take care all ,see you later .

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