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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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Hello chums
I was in Suffick at 9.00am this morning .
Home now clutching my cauli,spuds and various other things .Had a coffee in Morrisons .
Beautiful day here and am decamping with the papers to Le Jardin .
Well........thanks a lot Jno .You could have made it on Monday and we would have strolled round with you :)
Hope you are all OK today and enjoying the lovely weather .
See you later .
Oooooer The Rams lost O - 4 to Leicester. Worst defeat up to now. I'll say no more.
Yes jno why didn't you make it Monday we could have had a real getogether!!
Had a lovely day today apart from the footie. Ooops - sorry!
Hope all of you have enjoyed your day in you own special ways.
I'm hungry now so off to make some cherry tomato soup in my gadget..I've got a recipe to follow.
Laters Gaters
afraid my outings are spur-of-the-moment things to take advantage of the weather. Today it was Stonehenge.

Thing is, when I retired I dreamed of having a good week or two every summer when I could just get around Britain - I need the sunshine for photographic purposes, digital cameras don't really do shadows or cloud. But it's not happened. Not summer now, of course, but this is the first properly sunny week I've had (there have been others but only when I've been abroad). My main regret is that for certain domestic reasons I haven't been able to go away for 2-3 days at a time, but only for day excursions. Still, I've been enjoying it. More tomorrow perhaps; but Monday is Implant Day #1.
Yes I know what you mean Jno .
We don't get around anywhere lately .And if I get to get around it's solo with Mr S. as he is .
I was grateful for our little sojourn to the beach the other day Walking it's ten minutes but he can't make it without crossing everything :)
My old schoolfriends asked me up town to go round Highgate Cemetery recently ,which I've done before but it would have been nice to do it again ,but I couldn't go .Still they sent me some lovely piccies and Karl Marx hasn't changed a bit :)
I feel for you Shaney and Mr S not being able to get out and about as much as you like. One day hopefully you will when he's finished his treatment. I actually watched Merlin toonight and loved it. I watched it last year but haven't watched much telly this year at all except sport of course.
The soup was really tasty and I can't buy a brand new car or move house this week.
Goodnight all see you tomorrer begorrer!!
Off to bed very shortly. Far too hot today. Loads of grockles blocking all the roads and rampaging round the town. Escaped back home, shut the gates and kept the world out.

Night night x
Oh that's dreadful Jno .Wanton vandalism.Why do people have to do this sort of thing .Tut . They were there on the 21st .No sign of vandalism then on the pic my friend sent standing in front of him .
I can't post it on here to be fair to her .But it's a lovely picture .
I've mailed you Jno .
I've just read some of the comments on your link .
People amaze me at times . He's dead and has been for yonks .
People should go and daub paint on the living troublemakers :)
Oh well ..I think I'll toddle off to bed .I've got Picky PLC and silly Milly coming for their dinners tomorrow .Such fun :)
Goodnight all .Sleep well .
Still thinking of you Woofy xx
Morning everyone. Had to get up at 4am to get loose covers off the line as it was storming. Sunny again now though.

The "celebration" was just that, marvelous, everyone in colourful clothes, a big screen showing photos of the deceased (when she was living of course) lots of drink flowing and beautiful surroundings (posh Hotel Fenicia) and happy music. It lasted roughly 2 hrs then Mr N and I tottered off for dinner, fried Brie salad, and beautiful crispy duck confit follwed by lemon sorbet (I choose without vodka!) then staggered home.

Apparently times are hard again in this household so belts being tightened. Still I had a good holiday!
My poor sister saw the oncologist last Thursday and she now has it in one rib, and he said if she wanted to travel or do anything exciting, to do it now not to wait. Middle sister said it was an awful moment, but the other sister is very determined and upbeat, works in a hospice and still digs her allotment!
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Morning folks...antitbinot? :o)
Sorry I have to slip into Nottm speak when it's hot, it saves energy. Not quite as hot at the moment though, it's a bit cloudy, and just when I was getting used to it, tut. Hope you're all well & coping with it, at least with the darker nights it soon cools down.
Hope you've all been enjoying your travels if you've had any...I've mostly been lolling around with men & sipping cocktails ;o)

So sorry about your sister's news neti...we should all really make the most of today, we never know what crip's around the corner.

Yes, I saw Merlin too, in glowing detail on my new tele. :o) I love it but it might have been a bit frightening for young ones. They did say it was going to be darker & scarier.

Well my computer's still limping, hope this posts, it was soooo slow (on here in particular) the other day I gave up. T said last week he'd take it away & upgrade it soon but while the weather's good he's out & about being athletic (must get that from me ;o) )
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ps Neti I mailed you 2 or 3 days ago, I hope you got it.
Morning Biddies - another hot and sunny day and I really am hating it. I want autumn - proper autumn - so I can get out in the garden and do things.

So sorry about your sister Nets. She is one tough cookie though, bless her.

I've just got up. Being listening to Steve Wright's love songs and drinking tea and things.

Mr LL has disappeared over the fields with Megs and I am here eating a somewhat late breakfast.

Grockles are still streaming past, but less fast because we now have a speed limit! Good job our house is well back from the road!

Thinking of you Woofies xxxxx
maybe I should have gone grockling past the Lottie residence, just to bring a little delight into their lives... rubbish sleep last night, sniffling and tickly cough for no reason at all so eventually went and slept in the spare bed, so I might not be out seeing the peasants of England today.

Meant to say I loved the pic of the Sisters Neti, but I have been a bit erratic in catching up with past posts.
Hi folks
Lovely day here .Very hot. I've chosen the right day to cook a roast dinner
Sorry to hear about your sister Neti .She sounds very positive though .

Nothing doing otherwise ,just waiting for the hungries to arrive .
Very noisy here last night too . Lots of cars bombing past blasting loud music in the early hours .
Enjoy your Sunday folks .See you later
Yes Robi, received email thanks x
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tut, I just knew some of you had the sunshine today...none here, grrrr. My sister who was only about 30 miles away today has had a sunny one too.

Funnily enough I had the best sleep last night I've had for ages, I must have had jno's share.

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