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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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jno Snap! I was going to mention the teeth. Must say that in Jamie oliver's restaurant in Brighton I had deliciously tender slices of steak, very rare and it didn't need any teeth to eat them, they melted, oh yummy! If I was assured that I would get a very tender steak I would order one, but cannot be seen in public gnawing at the side of my mouth with the steak hanging over my chin as I try to get a bite!! Off for paella tomorrow, it's cheap and delicious. We get a big tuna salad, bread with alioli, as much paella as we want (best that I've had anywhere) a desert, and a bottle of wine ie conde de caralt all for 13€ each, so cannot moan!
Oh temps have risen to 20º, grrr I'll be damn well be sunbathing again tomorrow grrrrr.
Obviously I do not mean the Sahara or Gobi, I mean ice cream dessert.
Was there a midsomer this week?
Not this week just gone Neti next week ..I think it's on Wednesday .Hang on ...
Yep ,Wednesday 8.00 ITV 1.
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Evening carnivores...not eating red meat doesn't bother me & I haven't tackled a corn on the cob for years. I don't have much appetite at all nowadays but luckily I'm not losing weight.

Well I wish our temp would rise to 20C, it's been the darkest most miz day here & I didn't go shopping either...why couldn't it have been less hot last week & milder now, it never evens out, tut. I did have a word with myself & tried to rise above it, at least I have the option to move about, but it was still depressing. I could do with Miranda living next door, she'd be a great laugh....and I bet she'd have cake & chocolate, I'm all out. :o(

Don't think there was a MM neti, I didn't have a tv mag this week so if it was on I missed it. I think there's one due to be shown on there's thing ;o)
Thanks shaney. I've just found out that I can get internet on my mobile for 8€ for 500mb (pre paid) so all is not lost, I shall hot foot it to shop on Monday am! Luckily I also have a samsung galaxy ace phone which is unlocked.
Our dinner was very nice which surprised me (Mr N not partial to too much fried food) but hey it's sabado, I don't like cooking on the w/end.
Oh Robi, you popped in there, sorry didn't see you. The temp is down to 17° now, lovely jubbly! I still have a large appetite and and not losing weight either!
Hi All - How good is Merlin? Still a bit scary for some youngsters though!
Hello Everybiddy. I hope you are all tucked up in bed having a good night's sleep. I'm having one of my can't sleep nights and am down stairs surfing for a while. ASt the rate I'm going I'll be up for the start of the Formula 1 at 6.00.....laters 'gaters x

This is a song that is a reminder to me of 'my story'. My son bought me the CD and pointed this song out to me 10 years ago and it still stirs me.
I've got my remeniscing (sp!) head on - which isn't doing me any good at the mo. Therefore no sleep for me just yet.
Thanks for being there.....
Had a couple of hours eventually. Up at 6 listening to the Grand Prix and Tennis on 5 live....x
Morning jude, hope you are not too tired. Can't open that link at the mo, but it's my lappy's fault so I'll look on the desktop!

Morning everyone else.

By 'eck that was a cold night, had to put socks on in bed and use the cover. Bluddy cat was in and out and then sleeping where my legs should go so I was all cramped. Can't stand another winter of this! I know I should kick her off but then she starts yowling and in and out again.
Just opened the lonk, what a lovely song, he is so great and brings back so many memories of my youth!
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Morning all...bit milder but very dull and damp again.
Sorry you had a bad night Jude, mine was very on and off too, I had a headache (I'd had it all day) went off...and now it's starting again. Oh buffer it. These overcast days are killers.

Don't mention cats neti, I'm sick of the things. We now have seven(!) of the bloomin critters visiting our gardens, killing the birds & cripping in the hedgerows, they don't always bury it and when they do it's just as bad...yuk!

Merlin's great, it is a lot darker now, they said it would be. Actually last night was a very dark one.... Lancelot!! noooo! (he sacrificed himself)
For me he lives forever.... on my desktop :o)


Seen the sports news this morning have you neti?

<cackle> a kick up the pumpkin bum....
> > > > > >
Grrrr that Ginger Murray thing! I didn't know that, I fear Rafa is on the way down down, I still love him.

There are about 20 feral cats at the bottom of the lane and now more kittens have been born. Drives me mad, the smell of the spraying and the unburied poo is disgusting. It's the locals that feed them, and it is me who gets the poo on my shoes! There used to be a free neutering programme from England but now as they have to use spanish vets one has to pay, and as they are not my cats I will not do it. All the cats I have adopted in the past (cifacat, missy, charlie and mousey) had all been done. In the past we have trapped them and removed them to another part of the island, but do not have cat traps anymore.
Have to say that I was surprised to learn that Zoe Lucker (Vanessa in EE) is only 37yrs. I honestly thought (and without malice) that she was a well preserved 50 something! I need to get out more.
Morning folks
Drizzly mizzly day here too but not so cold . It looks as if we are going to get some sunshine this week though.
Sorry to hear you've had bad sleeps girls .It's the weather.. Scorching hot last Sunday and one week later bleugh .
Cats ? Who mentioned cats .I know Robinia .Bloody things .That next doors mugwump went past the back door this morning with a blackbird in his mouth Poor thing was shrieking .
The neighbour told me to throw something at him when I see him.But if I do he drops the birds and runs for it and I end up having to dispose of them Yuk. . He admits himself the thing is a b. for going after the birds .
Hope everyones OK otherwise .I've never seen Merlin .I'll have to look on catch up to see if I like it .
I watched a Wallander on BBC4 last night .One of the original ones with Rolf Lassgard .It was very good .
Have a good day folks xx
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I agree neti, she's certainly gathered speed in the last 5 years...I suppose being in Albert Sq puts years on you

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