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Help with sign in to AB

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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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I'll have a pork one with apple sauce seeing as your going Shaney!!!
Robi, snap re runs and period. Thought it was just me.
WOw am on phone on Internet.
Question Author
well speak up neti, I can't hear ya!
It was horrible wasn't it the ole monthly, as if it wasn't bad enough without your digestion going mad. I'd forgotten about it until I was reading up about ibs.

Do they put chicken soup in a baguette shaney? :o/
Sister has just phoned, BiL now has the infection in two other toes. Why oh why didn't anyone check? The district nurse went in every week to dress the big toe (not enough visits to my mind) why didn't he check? We are fearing that as he is diabetic, he may lose his foot! No chance of a heart op yet, specialist didn't even want to see him with manky toes. What a mess. I've told her to get his doctor in and tell him everything that is happening t the poor old soul. The hospital where they operated on his toe 6 weeks ago, didn't even give him a follow up appointment. I cannot understand my sister, I would be shouting at them all from the rooftops to get attention!

Sorry, rant over!
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Oh dear neti, you're right, it is a mess. There doesn't seem to be much continuity or communication but that does seem to be the way these days.
Very nice they were. Mr S and I shared a large beef one and my neighbour had a small one .
Good value for the money and they put loads of meat in.
Her eyes lit up .Poor old duck ..all she usually has is a sandwich for her lunch which the carer makes and she said to me yesterday she really fancied some roast pork .
He did have chicken today on the carvery Robinia.You should have said .I'd have put it in the blender for you :)
Poor chap Neti .I hope he'll be OK .
Total lack of communication as I know all too well.
Yes now I understand what you are going through shaney, have to say it is better organised over here. Except now that my thyroid and I have been passed over to my GP, I should go for my yearly checkup, and that is up top me to organise, but cannot be a**ed at the moment, am too fat!

Just been for a swim in the pool (which is usually emptied before now) and it was bracing to say the least and lovely, tomorrow I will spend longer thrashing about in it, as we are having take away curry and I will not have to cook!

Hija and Javi came up for him to say g'bye and for her to leave a bag of dirty clothes. I asked her can't she go with him (what sort of mother am I?) and she said that they will move in together later when he comes back! I can't wait that long!
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Well I've got a trolley load of probiotics & a packet of imodium...I may not 'go' again until bonfire night :o)
I hope you didn't forget the dog food Robi - should be good with sprouts!!!

I have just been across the fields for a couple of miles with Meggie, raining a bit, but not unpleasant. My feet are at their best in hiking boots, so I fear I will have to wear them with everything.

It was almost dark when I got back, I misjudged my timing - we kept disturbing the roosting birds in the hedgerows. Should have taken a torch.
My good friends I want to tell you that my beloved husband passed away peacefully today.
woofgang, I am so sorry.

Please accept my sympathies.
Dear Woofy

I am so very sorry.
Thinking of you at this sad time with love and sympathy.


(I will email you very soon xxxx)
Dearest Woofy
I'm so very sorry .My sincere condolences to you and your family .
I wish you strength to cope and hope to carry on .
Shaney xxxx
Woofy, so very sorry, my thoughts and love are with you x
I'm so sorry Woofy. My thoughts are with you at this very sad time x
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Dear woofy, I'm so very sorry. Thinking of you & wishing you strength.
Love Robi x

It's a day of very mixed wishes but I can't go without saying hello to neti whose birthday it is today. Have a good day neti x
Thanks robi, but we'll keep it low key. x
Many Happy Returns dear Neti x

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