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Help with sign in to AB

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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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Question Author
I've seen it Lottie...I'm not interested in popularity contests on here. I suppose if you break your neck to answer every question that pops up you stand a better chance of making the grade.
I'd like to see a function for
'Could have managed without this answer'...or
'Not an answer'
I'm not interested either Robinia. There was just one comment I wanted to draw attention to and one person with lots of votes!!
Question Author
Badges and rewards!? I'm speechless. Grow up. What about all the excellent answers that probably aren't voted for simply because (like me) the questioner was unaware that the best answer facilty actually worked.
Question Author
No email here yet Lottie...
Should have one now Robi - slight hiccup in the sysem!!
Morning all
and it's a dull wet one .
Happy Birthday Neti .xxx
Hi Neti thinking about you too on your Birthday. Have a good day. XX
Sent you another email Robi!
Question Author
Rec'd lottie.

I'm off now, things to do... might not be back until tomorrow/sat.
And if I see anymore of that clap trap in cb I just might get myself suspended.

Thinking of woofy x
Gosh..I've just ploughed through that Lofty .What a load of BS.

Thinking of you today Woofy .xx
I've tried to plough all through that thread but really don't understand any of it. I mean who really cares?
it'll be interesting to see who Robinia marks as best answer on this thread.
"This is a free message "This is a free message" - I've had four of these robots on the phone today. The say "To hear it press 1. To reject it press 9." But apparently if you press any number you get stuck with a huge phone bill somehow, and you should just hang up. Be warned.
I have made a very big decision.

I have felt grotty all day with this IBS thing and have now decided I am going to have a bath. First I have to dust it out, turf out the spiders and clear the webs!! I can't remember the last bath I had!!

I need something nice and smelly to put in it, but haven't got anything, so it will have to be shower stuff.

The only problem is will I be able to get in and out of the bloody thing.

I hate baths really, but I feel grubby and am not in the mood for a shower.

Wish me luck!!!
Hi Lottie I hope you are enjoying your bath. I'm a shower person but now and again I do just what you have said. Some nice smelly bubbles and a lovely soak and I have to say it usually feels good afterwards.
I wont go on about last night because of how we are all feeling but I'll just say I had a good time and my plumber got me home safely at 11.20.
I hope your birthday's been a peaceful one for you Neti. I'm sorry about your BiL problems. I would be like you and want to get on the phone to get things sorted as soon as possible.

Hope everone else is getting through the day as we have to. Mine was a relaxing one except for the boiler man coming to service mine. Everything was fine he said and charged me the reasonable price of £35.
I didn't sleep good last night so tonight it's an early one for me. I'm walking tomorrow with my 'walking friend' on one organised by me which is FLAT. When it's her turn we're up hill and down dale.
Have a goodnight everyone and special thoughts to Woofy. x
Thank you all for your kind messages. I am neck deep in the business stuff right now but i will be back. Have a lovely birthday Neti.
I haven't braved the bath yet Jude -but will do very shortly. Glad you enjoyed last night.

Nice to see you Woofy xxxxx Take care and be back here whenever you feel the need. We aren't going anywhere!!
I managed 10 minutes in the bath before complete boredom set it. The cat was very curious - she has never seen anyone sitting in the bath in water before. She put her head round the door and looked at me in total disbelief. She gets in it sometimes to catch spiders!! Ha ha, I flicked some water at her and she scarpered. Off to bed shortly. Mr LL is out working this evening and won't be home until after midnight. I am not waiting up for him.

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