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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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Sorry shaney, what is weasand and jot? Tripe over is here callos, and lovely with the right tomato spicy garlicky sauce, but otherwise NO!

Robi if you saw the size of my tummy you'd think I was still pregnant!
Flat chips is what my Dad used to call what are now called saute potatoes :)
Cows have several stomachs Neti ..this an old link but years ago on our market you could all these lovely things ..sadly no more but the chip stalls still do a roaring trade
I had all sorts of faddy preggie foods .
Sausage rolls and matjes herrings being the worst .We lived in Holland and poor Mr S used to trail out and buy me green herrings ( the young herrings ) from the market .These days I turn my nose up when he eats those rollmops for breakfast .
Then it was grapefruit ( which I normally cannot stand ) and sour lemons .
Like the sound of that market shaney, the only tripe I recognise is the one that looks like fleece in the shop window, no idea what one we (or they rather) eat over here. But we do eat bulls testicles and pigs ears, and all types of blood in sausages.

Oh lawd, that's put me off me dinner!!
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No wonder you're all barking mad, it's all those horrors you've been eating! :o)
My cravings with my second son were oranges (I never ate them much before or after, only satsuma type) and neti's right, I am normal :o)
I can't eat oranges or melons as my lips swell and throat hurts, hija is the same.
Oh and we used to eat lungs, but they were so spongy and no substance that I refuse to eat them now however poor we will become.
Funny really ..I can eat tripe but things like hearts and sweetbreads turn my stomach .I used to buy hearts and cook them for Shaney ..bleugh ....
My Mum used to make stuffed hearts ...oh yuk .....
Oooh I love a bit of black pudding though .All crispy round the edges .Yummy
What are we like :)
I'm ever so sorry but I can't stand Sea food like cockles and mussels, and tripe and I've felt quite yuck! reading your last posts. I love fish but but not the shellfish! That's my offering to that conversation.

Now chips I'm happy with TTD chunky oven chips by Sainsburys great!
I'm going to have a simple tuna salad for my tea.

By the way.The treatment that the specialist gave me was called 'cognitive behavioral therapy'. Just looked it up. I wont say any more about it.

Have a good evenin Everybiddy I'm having a Monday night telly night. Starting with Countdown in a bit on 4D..

Later 'gater(s)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is very common Jude and works very well, I believe. Paul McKenna talks a lot about it in his books, and it really helped me when changing my eating habits - actually I have slipped back recently in naughty habits to might read it again - I also have a tape which helped.

Sort of like when you fancy chips, you imagine that chips taste like something revolting that you hate - like tripe and eventually you associate chips with tripe and you can't eat them!!

Shaney, tried the coat on over a T shirt and a M&S fleece, and then over a chunky jumper and it was fine.
Oooh, is it Doc Martin tonight?
Oh shaney, yes black sausage, we have one here called Botifarra, and it has flecks of rice in it and tastes slightly of anis. Oh that's started me off now, I'm hungry.

Don't look jude!!
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I don't think my cogs work any more Jude :o)

Yes it is doc M tonight, he'll sort the lot of you out...but don't bleed all over him :o)
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"tastes slightly of anis"

suppressing the urge for a cb type comment :o)
My home made chutney turned out to be delicious!!! It would go well with black pudding!!
ANIS, Robi, ANIS!!!!!
I have said on another thread that she looked stoned to me AOG and legs and arms flying all over the place, and that Anton looks like he was dancing with a ventriloquists dummy. She is dire, but it makes me laugh and that's good.

Compare the judges on Strictly to that awful lot on X factor. The mix is just so right!!
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<slaps Lottie with a wet fish>
wrong thread!

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