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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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Morning all
Lovely bright day here too.
Hugs Woofy ,thinking of you and wishing you strength to get through today xxxxx
Good morning Everybiddy...Thinking of you and your family today Woofy. Love Jude x

The Duo are great Neti. I love the Eagles and that is one of my favourites of theirs. I appreciate good guitar playing. It can be such a difficult instrument to play. Thanks for the chance to see it. I hope you are feeling better and the tablets are working.
Good morning folks.

Another beautiful morning here and am hoping that the sun is also shining in the New Forest area - Woofy will have a day of mixed emotions, but on such occasions the sun shining can make a difference.

Thinking of you and yours Woof xxx
Lottie, an admirer seems to be trying to get in touch with you

Some good news at least .At long last we have a date for Mr S's operation .
Oh well done shaney, and after all you have been through I should think so indeed. Well, when??
At last Shaney - so pleased for you and Mr S.
Brilliant new Shaney. So pleased. Is it soon?

jno I saw that thread before it disappeared. Nothing in my inbox though!!
3rd November ..pre op bumph next Tuesday .I really hope they can sort this out .I'm fed up with going round with me mop and bucket :)
He's been a really patient ,patient considering he's now been catheterized for over a year since the big op.

Woofy ....I hope all went as well as these things can and that your loved one is now at rest . God Bless xxxxxxxxxxx
Yes woofy, shaney speaks for me also, I'm not very good with words. x
Hija has gone to try out for a waitressing job, and she made dinner for us before she left. It was chicken potato cakes, sounds strange but were in fact rather nice. Then lentil and chicken curry with rice. Is hija settling down at last, fingers crossed.
I echo Shaney too Woof. Bless you. xxxx
Thank you for your kind thoughts. The lady funeral director did an excellent and thoughtful job and it went as well as these things can. The happy news is that my middle sister from whom big sis and I had been estranged made contact and drove up today so once again I have two sisters.
Oh Woof, I am so happy for you. Mr Woof would be so, so pleased for you - Very bitter-sweet. I hope you now become close once more.

I used a lady funeral director for my Mum's funeral - in fact she is a fairly near neighbour. She was wonderful.
That's so nice to hear Woofy .Glad you are friends again and hope you remain so .
My Mum and my sister were estranged ,but I always got on well with my sister .Only really got to know her well in later life really all because my Mum could be so stubborn at times .They never made up .I find it so sad .

I'm glad they were there to support you ,you've been so brave and I'm thinking of you ,look after yourself xxx
Good morning everybiddy.

Woofy, glad you have made it up with your sister, families can be funny things can't they. My eldest Bro and I do not see eye to eye, and have ignored each other for 30yrs (not hard seeing as we lived in different countries) but now when we meet we are friendly and polite if not actually loving. I adore the rest of my my bros and sisters, and could not manage without seeing them occasionally.
Just opened my curtains and rain is forecast, and it looks a bit woolly outside. Not rushing to do anything or go anywhere.
Good morning All. Yes Woofy - Shaney, Lottie and Neti expressed my feelings exactly. I have been thinking about you too. To be friends with your sister again is good news amidst the sadness.

Good luck to hija with the waitressing job Neti. I bet she'll do it easily.

Not long now Shaney for Mr S. What a relief it will be for you both after all this time.

I have just hoovered over the key board of my lap-top with the soft brush. Looks a lot better. Sooo many crumbs :¬)

It's cold but very bright today. I am meeting an old friend for lunch - A man would you believe. We meet up 2 or 3 times a year to have a 'catch up'

See yer later 'gater(s)
woofy, I'm glad all went well; I hope you can negotiate the waters ahead calmly.

Pleased to hear Mr Shaney has got a daate for his diary too; so much better than just sitting waiting.

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