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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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stop it at once, you horrible people.
Good morning folks, nice sunny day here if a lot cooler, thank heavens.

jno ^ that is a lovely piccy.

My back is so painful, had a dreadful night chomping on painkillers but not a lot of relief. Will go for a walk as Mr N says that should help. Also have to meet friends for coffee as they are flying out tomorrow. And socialising tonight with yet more visitors.
Morning All. Your slipper piccies have given me a big smile this morning.
Very cold when walking to the paper shop but the sun is out at the moment after the windy and wet night as Robi says.
Poor you Neti a bad back is awful. It stops you doing anything even sitting still. Hope it eases off soon.
Good to see you Woofy and thinking about you with everyone else for tomorrow.

See you later 'gater(s)
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Good morning slipper sloppers.
I got all excited when I switched my puta on to see a big 18 on the sidebar...then I realised it's the date and not the temperature which is a measly 7C...tut... I need the warm weather back at once! Not content with hot flushes my body now has cold flushes, I spent most of the night with awful chills going through me despite piling the bed up with everything within my reach, it's quite common apparently, grrrr...I'm still cold now. I'd rather have the hot ones, I'd just mastered the art of cooling down quickly but sticking a packet of frozen veg up me jumper hasn't gone down too well in the co op.

Why oh why after weeks of looking like a scarecrow does your hair look ok on the day you're having it done?

Hope you feel better soo neti, bad backs seem to be very common around here at the moment.
Be back later - going out with dog and then to lunch, but just had to give you this link - so funny

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<wafts in reeking of hair lacquer>

♫..oh island in the sun...I've put me central heating on...♫
Wafts in reeking of poached eggs :)
Hi folks
just been trying out new egg poaching pochettes .Very good but a bit of a gimmick .
Hope all well on this blustery day and hope your back is easier now Neti.
Easterly wind blasting up the lokes .
Love the slipper pictures .

Nice to see you Woofy and of course I'll be thinking of you tomorrow .

Same old here at Shaneytowers ,nothing to report really .I'm still drifting round looking at coats !
Take care all.
Shaney are those the poaching pods that you have to practically turn inside out to get the egg out? I have some, and they are Ok but what a faff. I poach mine in clingfilm now, much easier. Saw it on Come Dine with Me. You break the egg into a square of clingfilm Lining a cup or something, then gather all the top and twist and pop into boiling water, and hey presto, a lovely poached egg.

My back is killing me and have to be "sociable" tonight. What should I be taking paracetanol or ibruprofen?
Both Neti. I am being serious by the way. You can take them together or with time in between, as long as both tablets have a four hour gap before you take the same type again.

Doctors advise this. Ibuprofen takes down the inflammation and Paracetamol gives pain relief. They don't conflict in any way.
I have today

Put out loads of washing

Taken the dog over the fields for an hour's walk in glorious sunshine, come back, taken in dry washing, had a shower and changed, met friend for lunch,taken 4 bags of stuff to charity shops and two to the tip. Been to Boots, Lidls and Morrisons and just got back with loads of shopping.

Now decided my treat for being industrious is to have toast with crunchy peanut butter and a cuppa tea.

See you later

I have just had a lovely hot bath and soaked and scrubbed my feet where the hard skin was making them sore......aaah the pleasures of middle age.
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Evening all
Hi woofy, pamper yourself! Will be thinking of you tomorrow x

The only good thing about the weather today has been the wall to wall sunshine...but oooh, that wind. It's been 32C in Oz :o(

grrrr ....This keyboard's about had it I think, it misses letters out and goes into txt spk..
Hi Woofy. Will be thinking of you with love tomorrow.

Have you tried CCS cream/balm for hard skin on feet - it works miracles. My feet used to crack and bleed - not any more.

I must admit I have enjoyed the cold weather today. Cold, sunny weather seems to suit me more than anything else these days.

The toast and peanut butter was absolutely lovely. I could eat at least another two rounds, but I am being good!! :o( No fun being good.
yes, I hope tomorrow passes well, woofy
They are these Neti at 2.99 for 20 I'll not be buying them again .
I do love a poached egg but my old egg poacher has seen better days so thought I'd try them .
Yes ..a good pamper does you good Woofy .xx

We've just had Toulouse bangers ,mash and peas .
Done very little today apart from the usual High St run for the odds and ends ,got all my washing dry , faffed around ,read a bit of my book ,poached an egg ................
Just logged in to say goodnight and to say once more that you will be in my thoughts tonight and tomorrow Woofy. xxxxxxxxxxx
Goodnight Biddyfriends Everywhere x

I will be thinking of you tomorrow Woofy x
Good morning all.

Thinking of you today woofy x.
Oh shaney I like that poaching idea. I have the green pods and some yellow ones, and they are Ok but taste a bit perfumed. Try the clingfilm idea it's very good.

Had a couple of mojitos last night and went to a hotel to watch a group, and saw my hairdresser/tour guide there and he is leaving today so I wasn't tempted for a haircut. Will have to go to a salon at some point.

This is the group, well duo really, thought jude might like to see them.
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Beautiful autumn morning...thoughts are with you woofy as you go through today xxx

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