I agree with all of the above. Here's what I'd do.
If you don't already have a website and hosting, get this. Buy a domain from somewhere like 123-reg.co.uk (such as a .co.uk if you only trade in the UK, but it doesn't really matter that much), which will set you back �5 for 2 years, or something like that.
Then, buy hosting from somewhere like web-mania.com. It's a small UK hosting company, but it's pretty reliable when I used to use them, and does just what you want. �25/year.
Then sign up with Google Apps for your Domain. It just means that Google handle your email system, so you don't have to worry about it. This means that you could get info@yourdomain.co.uk very easily. Looks far more professional that @hotmail.com or similar, as Chuck says.
Once you have hosting, this means that you can very easily (with an FTP client) put a password-protected zip file online of all the photos. You could then email your clients and say "download your photos from yourdomain.co.uk/photos/client-xyz123.zip".