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File sharing

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Potatoman | 22:31 Tue 12th Oct 2004 | Technology
2 Answers
I read in the news that they are clamping down on file sharing - how can they tell who is doing this? What about privacy laws?


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They're only clamping down (if at all) on those who make a huge amount of albums available for download. The average user will be unaffected. If I was the one doing the clamping down, I could log in to one of the file sharing communities and have a look at what you were sharing. If it was enough to upset me then I'd have the my lawyers contact your ISP with the details of what happened, when, what your IP address was at that point & demand that they hand over your personal details to the lawyers/cops. Your ISP would have details of how much you upload and download and possibly also which applications you use to do so - all arguably incriminating. All, also, costly and lengthy and a waste of everyone's time unless you aim much higher than the little fish sharing 2 Brother Beyond albums.
download Blocklist manager from ge&pid=1 its an IP blocker. This is a very negative reaction from the music companies, I use P2P as a way to sample an album before I buy it as do many people. I have bought many albums I would not have bought normally thanks to this.

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