Maxtor Basics in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Maxtor Basics

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Whoa Nelly | 18:17 Tue 13th Jan 2009 | Technology
2 Answers
I have just bought a Maxtor Basics 500GB USB 2.0 External Hard Drive and when I connect it to a USB Port on my PC running XP Pro SP3 nothing happens. No error message or any acknowledgment of connection. I have tried another USB Port and the same thing occurs (or doesn't in this case!)

There LED does light indicating power and there is some noise if I stick my ear to the box.

When I connect other devices (Ipod, Mp3 players and other storage devices, everything works OK)

I have yet to try the Maxtor on another PC.
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have you checked in my computer to see if another drive has appeared?
that's where you'll find it as Chuck says

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