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Freeview Problem Help Please

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smurfchops | 19:59 Tue 03rd Feb 2009 | Technology
5 Answers
No ITV channels this afternoon, says 'no signal' -- anyone else in Surrey area with same problem? Otherwise could be it be the build up of snow affecting my aerial and do I need to call a repair man? Help please ! Laymens terms only, ta.


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Ethel, I presume the transmitter is at Crystal Palace and it says it is not affected, so back to square one !
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Could this be the answer to my question ?*******=110 7051522
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Sorry not there any more. This is what it said:

High pressure causing channel loss through "Inversion"
High pressure does not just bring cold at this time of year, it is causing quite random loss of Freeview and analogue reception.

There is high pressure over the whole of the UK at the moment, and this causes the Inversion Effect. This is causing people to be missing a single Freeview multiplex, or have terrible analogue reception on a single channel. The problem may come-and-go or last for several days.

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