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Wireless connection

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yeahbaby | 21:22 Mon 18th Oct 2004 | Technology
2 Answers
I want to set up a wireless connection at my home. I have a Fujitsu Siemens Laptop and have Broadband on an ADSL modem  USB connection. Can anyone tell me what gear i would need to buy and roughly how much it would cost ? Also how easy are they to set up and are they secure ? Thanks for any advice you offer..


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I did it using a Belkin modem wireless router cost �74 from Amazon. You will also need a wireless network card for your laptop. Mine seems pretty good, easy to set up, and secure. I'm not very knowledgeable about networking, and I had it running within 30 mins or so. You can also buy USB wireless kit but I don't know much about it  and it seemed expensive. Good luck.

Wireless networking isn't secure.  The encryption they use (if you set it up!) is very weak so people next door can pickup your data (if they know how).  However, you can stop them using your broadband by locking down DHCP to the hardware addresses (MAC Address) of the wireless network cards you use (this is fairly easy to do).

I wouldn't hold any documents on a wireless network that you don't want anyone else to read or that anyone else would want to read.

No wires is still pretty cool though :o)

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