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The Tiggster | 21:41 Mon 18th Oct 2004 | Technology
4 Answers

Thinking of going onto for Broadband. Does anyone have anything good or bad to report about them?




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Yup! total pants. the connection worked when it felt like it, so i cancelled. i got the cancellation in writting, but nearly a 6 months on they are STILL taking money from my card! Avoid.

I make it my rule in life to avoid anything run by Virgin (apart from traveling on the NorthWest coast trains- only because there is no another choice)

Everything they do is way expensive, from sar insurances to mobile phones to air travel. There are better deals else where.

I use Virgin and have had only a few teeting troubles in the 12 months I've been with them.  �24.99 a month, unlimited downloads.  Or there's a cheaper option with a cap on bandwidth.  Support leaves a little to be desired, but I think that applies to all ISPs.  The last 6 months I've had no trouble at all, and I use it a lot (ISO downloads, online gaming etc).
... or go with BT yahoo. �30 for 1Mb (twice as fast), but the limit is 1Gb a DAY(about 20 albums!) with free modem (virgin charge a tenner).

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