Monitor Repair in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Monitor Repair

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in a mo | 23:32 Sun 12th Apr 2009 | Technology
10 Answers
I have a 17 in flat screen monitor that has developed a fault ,it switches on and off continously ,the fault is the screen any ideas please can this be repaired ,if so for how much ?

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contact the computer repair shop they will check your monitor and they will repaired if there is any problem.
Most problems with electrical goods are caused by a dry solder joint. If that particular joint is easy to find then its a 5 minute repair job.
mo .... unless you have the means to dissasemble the monitor ... and to spot and resolder any of the 1000s of connection
these two clowns are just leading you down the path

If you have a tame and trusted repair man .... a quote would be a starting point
but many of the bigger shops would charge just for diagnosing ... and then there are any bits that are needed

bear in mind a new replacement monitor needn't cost an arm
http://www.google.co.uk/products?sourceid=navc lient&hl=en-GB&rlz=1T4GPTB_en-GBGB295GB295&q=1 7%20monitors&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wf

the sad fact is that these days electricals aren't repaired ... you just replace them
A replacement monitor instead of a touch of solder. Are you one of those failed bankers by any chance?
Why would you bother repairing it...by the time you have taken it to someone qualified .... get them to open it up..find the fault..repair it ..and then re-assemble and test it...and then go back and collect it..!

Surely you would be half way to buying a new one with a three year guarantee....even a wide screen..!

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Dell-E178WFP-17-TFT-Moni tor-1440x900-600-1-8ms-Bl_W0QQitemZ27030576912 4QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Computing_ComputerCompo nents_Monitors?hash=item270305769124&_trksid=p 3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1690%7C66%3A2%7C65% 3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318
I am with AC on this one...

repairing a monitor is not for the unqualified and although LCD's are safer then CRT's it's still not advisable for the average person to go poking about inside (those backlights run at about 700+ volts, touch the wrong thing you will know it!)

so you are looking at �50 for somebody to look at it and tell you it will cost a further �30 to repair....... Or a new monitor for about 70-80quid

I know what route I would take!
rov ... have you considered just what is involved in opening up a monitor for a non techie?

I think it's far more valuable to give plausable advice rather than to suggest a course of action that involves a speciallist tools that only someone with the knowledge would posess.
(unless they make stained glass windows - in which case the iron would melt the whole monitor)

absolutely no insult intended towards mo ... but of my non anorak wearing chums ... I can't think of a single one who owns a blowtorch let alone a soldering iron ...

spotting a dry joint is no mean feat for someone armed with a meter and the knowledge to test circuitry

am I a failed banker ... no I'm not ... but given your tac I suspect you'd rhyme with banker .... if you get my drift
This is a power supply problem or it can also be caused by the inverter board. Take a look at this video tutorial about <a href="http://smpstroubleshooting.com/samsung-
target="_blank">LCD monitor repair</a>.

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