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phone numbers

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STONES55 | 14:40 Fri 17th Apr 2009 | Technology
4 Answers
can i reverse trace a phone number in the UK


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Not legally no.

You could however, phone them and try to trick them into giving themselves away. Failing that, try putting the number into google. You may be surprised.
As others have indicated, it's a criminal offence (under data protection legislation) to provide 'reverse search' facilities, either on CD or online, within the UK.

As Squarebear indicates, some people (e.g. the secretaries of clubs, etc) put their phone numbers on websites, so simply using a search engine might find the information you're after.

Otherwise (as Squarebear also indicates) people will often provide the information simply by phoning them up (or by getting a friend to do it). I always answer my phone by announcing my name; many other people do exactly the same thing.

I answer my phone with

"Hello. Whose calling me please?"

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