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Micro filters, Broadband and Caller ID

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nellypope | 15:51 Thu 23rd Apr 2009 | Technology
4 Answers
Am I right in thinking that you can lose your Caller ID on your telephone if your telephony is supplied within your broadband package? To gain it back you need to use an ADSL microfilter?

Are all Microfilters the same or do you need a Sky one for Sky talk or even for mobile broadband?

And if you need a microfilter do you get it from your broadband supplier or would you get it with your new telephone?


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I get both my broadband and telphone line rental through Tiscali, and I've got caller ID.

You need a filter for all your phones regardless of whether you have caller ID set up, and they are all the same. You will probably get one or two with your router or modem but you can buy more from electrical shops - they are not ISP-specific.
Dunno about losing the caller ID, but you should use them anyway I believe.

I bought a router once and it was included. I also saw them in Woolies of all places. Not much good to you now, but that said, I'll bet you can get them in larger supermarkets or DIY stores, or maybe online, company like Misco.

I doubt you'll need one for mobile broadband - I mean, I believe the purpose is for telephone calls more than anything. Mobile you just plug in don't you?
I have got both broadband and telephone with BT and have filters on all my phones . I also have caller ID
Just to clarify - you need one filter for each socket that has anything, or combination of things, plugged into it - phone, caller ID, Sky box, fax machine, extension bell etc.

The only time I've seen a caller ID fail was through inadvertently routing it through two filters.

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Micro filters, Broadband and Caller ID

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