There's a lot of variables for that...
You can put many, many minutes or very few minutes on a disc.
The variables are capacity of said disc and the compression rate selected (if at all, uncompressed video is very, very large in file size and thus you won't be able to fit much on a small disc.)
--> Common disc standards: (Standard: 4.7 GB (single-sided, single layer. Larger capacity disc: 8.54 GB (single-sided, double-layer))
--> It also depends upon the mode of writing.
EG: If writing as a file, or writing it to a proper DVD format that would be more widely accepted by the common or average DVD player.
Don't forget to finalize the disc either way you choose as this makes the disc more compatible.
I should imagine you could put around 12 clips on the disc, but this is very much a guess and depends on the above mentioned variables.