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first time internet connection advice?

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trudi | 11:30 Fri 12th Nov 2004 | Technology
4 Answers
trying to conenct to internet for first time, provider (plusnet) says all okay, BT says line is okay, must be my PC settings wrong - which ones should I be looking at please?


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Does the modem dial?  Do you get any error messages? At what stage of the connection process does it fail?

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Modem dials out but says number not recognised, if I dial it through my phone I get the usual internet connection noise, so BT say phone is okay ?
It's been a long time since I used a dial-up modem, but go into devices and check the properties/number your modem is dialling. It may be set up to automatically prefix the number with a "9" (or similar) to access an outside line.
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thanks, tried that, no '9' or any other number pre-set at all .....

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first time internet connection advice?

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