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3d images

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mollymoo | 17:24 Sat 13th Nov 2004 | Technology
2 Answers
Hi i have a company logo that I would like to make into a 3D image. I can easily make the text 3D with some software I have that creates 3d text, but the image also contains angel wings. I wanted to know if there is a software program that if you import it as a 2D image is able to convert it to 3D. Sorry if this sounds like a blonde (sorry to all bondes) question thanks


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There are softeware applications that will do this. I can't name any, other than Corel Draw (or rather, an application that's part of the Corel Draw Suite), but there are others.
Photoshop will render some interesting 3D filters such as emboss or extrude. It's quite expensive in the UK but most graphic designers use it; do you know any ? If you want the image for a website you can create some stunnig 3D images using GIF files that utilize two slightly different images (so you get the effect without having to wear stupid glasses). If this is the route you want to take check out these stunners at Good luck

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3d images

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