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XBOX, PS2 or PC?

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slimfandango | 16:59 Sat 13th Nov 2004 | Technology
3 Answers
Mostly for gaming. Have broadband.


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If you want to do it properly, PC. If you're looking for something you can truely plug-and-play without the trouble of hardware or installs, then a console, but they're a half-way effort to online PC gaming.

for online gaming - no to ps2

its down to budget and preferences.pc has better gfx and servers are better - but u need to shell out 700 quid on an entry level pc to run games can now be bought for 100 quid and has the best gfx of any console with decent online playability.

I myself play only one game on the PC online - Everquest (great RPG!). I have an Xbox, and think it is well worth getting an Xbox. XBConnect (free Xbox Live service) and the brandspanking new Halo 2. Good graphics, good play, good fun. However, the only disadvantage with Xbox play is to host a game, you need a decent upload speed - preferable 128k upload per xbox joined - I can't host a 1v1 game on NTL as the upload speed caps at around 70kbs. If your just looking to play, go Xbox (unsure about PS2, but I hear it's crummy). If you want to host games, and inteded playing games like Counterstrike or Rainbow 6, go PC.

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