To be honest Neti seeing him had me confused as I have never actually seen him before, but I did recognise the name and googling and youtubing brought Luxembourg all back:)
Now then, here is my maternal grandmother age sixteenish in a hat she made herself. The photo's damaged vertically across her face, but still, isn't she lovely - looks a bit like a young Katie Holmes don't you think
Speaking of 'orrible glasses (although I liked yours, Jude), here's my eldest sister (yep it's P, Robi) and me and I still remember those glasses of hers, they were RED. She's ten years my elder so maybe we're 4 and 14...?
And here's me not quite twenty years ago, certainly pre fathood, henna dyed and very much enjoying the Viking island of Birka
(Article about Birka if anyone's innarested
Thanks Woofy and jno for further replies about PhotoShop! Shaney I'll answer your photo editing question later tonight or tomorrow, if nobody cares to beat me to it.