Afternoon each. Well Kit you can't say you caught it from me. Thank goodness. Keep warm and dose yourself up with anything you fancy.
At the risk of boring you here is my last photo of Blackie. Another, through the window but further away but I had to take him having a drink. There is a lady blackbird comes to eat the mealworms now but he, being a chauvenist, (spelling!!) chases her off. But she gets some sometimes. Sorry it's still a bit blurred but will keep practising..
I can manage the panoramic web cam which is great but don't know what to laugh at on the one Robi posted. Am I just thick or what!!
Have just discovered I can have toasted teacakes on this diet I am on (occasionally) so I've had 2 just now with lashings of Flora. Loverly. Also I went into Thorntons (Chocolate Shop Kit) and saw a bar of chocolate with Isomalt in as a sugar replacement. Had a look on the internet and apparently it is produced from sugar beet and is for diabetics. I know I'm not that yet so I thought I would have a go next time I go in.
Sorry you're back on the anitbiotics for your leg Shaney. Hope they do the job quickly.