Afternoon ornithologists! We found a new bird, how tiny and cute is he!
Woofy: Keep Calm And Carry On:) Woofy and Robi, do your dogs eat snow?? My eldest sister's dog (mix of different sheep dog breeds, lots of Border Collie) has begun this snowy winter to insist on being let out into the garden at night to... erm, well basically to EAT SNOW!
Better get myself dressed (that's right folks, I'm not even dressed) as I'm having a lamp and a mirror delivered.They won't specify at what o'clock, just "tonight" and they won't remove the cardboard and bring it away with them, unless I pay an extra 70 pounds =:O You heard me. I used a currency converter so trust me! So, I'd better start looking for my box cutter or Stanley knife or whatchamacallit. I know I've got one, but where, where.
New doormat for Robi courtesy of the wheeliestapo