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deemaitch | 17:18 Fri 11th Sep 2009 | Technology
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I have BT Broadband and BT vision the whole package .Having now bought a laptophow can I get on to the internet when I am away. I know some places offer WIFI connection but do BT offer anything.
I have searched their web sight but It does\'nt explain itself very well for a novice. and I I phone them i get someone in India that I can hardly understand,
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.


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You can use any BT-FON wireless access point in the country for free as long as you sign up for the service that then makes your wireless another access point so other people can use your wireless connection.

It's actually a great idea, totally secure and has very minimal if any effect on you using the internet
17:48 Fri 11th Sep 2009
You can use any BT-FON wireless access point in the country for free as long as you sign up for the service that then makes your wireless another access point so other people can use your wireless connection.

It's actually a great idea, totally secure and has very minimal if any effect on you using the internet

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