Although I have looked at my holiday pics many times, I am suddenly unable to access them, I am getting a popup message stating '' Holiday pics is not a valid Win32 application''. Can someone explain to me what this is all about.( I am running Windows xp.) TIA.
What 3 letter file extension do your pictures have? It will be something like .bmp or .jpg
You could try opening them in paint or internet explorer/firefox.
Thanks squarebear,I've discovered that I can open the pics in Windows Pics & Fax viewer, which I didn't have to use before, I simply clicked on each pic & it would enlarge. I would still if possible like to know why it has changed & what the error message means.
No problem,
You wasn't trying to open the entire folder rather than each picture were you? I'm guessing your folder is called "holiday pics"? Just a wild stab in the dark.