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Belkin Bluetooth Devices

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pezza....... | 23:22 Sun 02nd Jan 2005 | Technology
4 Answers

I am running Windows XP sp2 and want to install a Belkin Bluetooth adapter to my desktop.  I am using the Belkin software on my laptop and would like to use the same on the desktop.

Every time I run the installation tool for the software the installwizard asks me to plug the usb device in then proceeds to ignore the Belkin software and loads the Windows Controller instead.

How can I prevent this from happening so that I can use the Belkin version?


Please help, Thanks guys and girls



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Have you tried uninstalling the Windows Controller device from Add/Remove hardware, then running the Belkin software without removing it.....
Without physically removing it, that is. Does that make sense?
Let windows do it's thing and then run the Belkin installer.  I did so and it works fine.
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I tried installing the Belkin software afterwards but it didnt work.  This was strange because it worked on my laptop!!

Eventually I removed the Windows controller and it worked.  Thanks for your responses

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