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Favourites everywhere!!!

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ayabrea38 | 17:34 Sun 02nd May 2010 | Technology
7 Answers
OK,I have been playing with other browsers and got my favorites in a tizzy.
How can I save favorites to USB overwriting the ones that are already on USB so I don't have a squillion duplicated favorites?
Please help before I go madder than what I already am
Thanks all


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Hi Aya
So you've backed up your Internet favourites from your browser to a usb stick?
What browser was it, and are you importing/using same browser now?
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Hiya AlBags
The stuff on my USB was from IE,and I am using it now!(back to where I was after a heck of a lot of faffing around,but I had to learn)
ok sorted then.
Good : )
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Still in a tizzy cos I want to save favs,but have done so much faffing with new ones and deleting old ones I don't know whats on the pen and whats on the PC.If I just go and delete the pen,then save the new favorites,I know I will lose something.
Please don't tell me Ive got to try and go through them one by one.
I fink so Aya.
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Life is cruel
thats going to take FOREVER.
Export Favourites .. htm file .. modify the existing or saved one .. re-import. May be quicker.

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Favourites everywhere!!!

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