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usb connection

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jontyea | 17:27 Wed 19th Jan 2005 | Technology
4 Answers
Is it possible to use a USB2 Flash Memory Stick in a USB1 socket please? 


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Yes... but the data transfer will be a LOT slower.

USB 2.0 has a maximum speed of 480 mbits per second - USB 1.1 is only 1.5 mbits.


Kempie is right - its worth the upgrade to USB2. You can get a USB2 card on the Maplin site and there really cheap now. Depending on what you wanna transfer (i assume pictures) you might find the upgrade essential, coz it really is that slow, but it will work.
Make that 12Mbps for USB 1.1 kempie.
Jay70 - we are both correct. Not all USB 1.1 devices can utilise the full speed data rate of 12 Mbps, the fallback rate being 1.5Mbps.

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